塑料绝缘控制电缆本产品用于配电装置中电器、仪表的连接线,起电能传送作用。PVC绝缘控制电缆额定电压450/750V,XLPE绝缘控制电缆额定电压0.6/1KV。The products are used as connection wire in distribution equipment,e.g. electrical qppliances and instruments with the A.C.Rated voltage 450/750V PVC insulated control cable, Rated voltage 0.6/1KV XLPE insulated control cable.一、 产品标准StandardGB9330-88《塑料绝缘控制电缆》,该标准参照国际电工委员会IEC227.5-79标准。GB9330-88《Plastic Insulated Control Cables》was made with reference to IE227.5-79 XLPE insulated cable refer to GB16706-91《Rated voltage up to 35kV plastic insulated power cable》二、 使用特性1、 电缆导电线芯的长期允许工作温度:PVC绝缘为70℃,XLPE绝缘为90℃。2、 电缆的敷设温度应不低于0℃。3、 电缆蝗允许弯曲半径:a、 无铠装层的电缆应不小于电缆外径的6倍;b、 有铠装或铜带屏蔽结构的电缆,应不小于电缆外径的16倍;c、 无屏蔽层结构的电缆,应不少于电缆外径的6倍。Application and specification1 The permissible continuous conductor operating temperature: PVC insulated cable is 70, XLPE insulated cable is 90.2 The installation temperature should not be lower than 0 during installation.3 Permissible bending radius of cable:d、 For Unarmoured cables:not less than 6 times overall diameter of cable;e、 For armoured or copper tape screened cables:not less than 16 times overall diameter of cable;f、 For screened flexible cables:not less than 6 times overall diameter of cable.三、 型号及规格1、 电缆的型号见表1。Type of cable see Table 1.注:本公司同时生产以上各种型号的阻燃控制电缆。阻燃控制电缆在型号前加“ZR-”。例如,铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套控制电缆。型号为:“ZR-KVV”。Note:In addition, the factory produces all kinds of flame ratardant control cable,with the letters “ZR-“plus cable type indicated. For example, copper conductor PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame retardant control cable, can be indicated as “ZR-KVV”.2、 电缆的规格如表2,表3。Size of cable see Table 2, Table 3.