广高牌 220kv 双绕组无励磁调压电力变压器
GG 220kV Two-Winding Power Transformer with
Off-Circuit Tap Changer
220kV 系列电力变压器是在消化国内外先进技术的基础上自行研发设计并逐步完善的新系列产品。具有现场免吊芯、高可靠性、高阻抗、抗短路强、低损耗、低噪音、低局放等性能特点。目前能够生产结构合理、性能稳定的13型系列新产品。目前最大容量为900000kVA。广泛地应用在电厂、电站、工矿企业、用户配电站等电力和配电系统;适用于成网、农网、户内、户外等各种不同的安装环境要求。
广高牌 220kv 双绕组无励磁调压电力变压器
GG 220kV Two-Winding Power Transformer with
Off-Circuit Tap Changer
220kV class series of power transformer is
the latest generation product, which has been developed based on the
strongpoint of international similar products. Its characteristics: free of
core lifting inspection, high reliability, high impedance, strong ability to
short –circuit resistance, low loss, low noise, low temperature rise, low
partial discharge, environmental protection. We can produce the new product of
13 series, the structure of which is rationalization, performance is stable,
the maximum capacity is 900000kVA at present. It can be widely used in the
following power system and power distribution system: power stations,
substations, industrial and mining enterprises, customer power distribution
substations, and it can adapt to different installation environments, like
urban power grid, rural power network, indoor, outdoor and so on.