MLS-5000磁阻传感器,磁栅尺位移传感器Sliding the MLS-Sensors along a magnetic scale will produce a sine and a cosine output signal as a function of the position. In order to deliver satisfying results, the magnetic sensor material must be saturated. For common scales this condition will be achived as long as the air gap between sensor edge and magnetic scale surface does not exceed half of the pole pitch.
产品描述: MLS-5000磁阻传感器沿着磁尺移动将产生一个正弦和余弦信号。为了得到满意的结果,传感器边沿与磁尺表面的间隙不能超过半个磁极距。由于传感器是基于各向异性磁阻效应,信号幅度是独立于磁场强度的,因此间隙的不同不会影响测量精度。传感器检测磁场梯度,所以对均匀杂散磁场几乎不敏感。
· 正弦/余弦输出适合标准ASIC信号评估
· 高精度
· 对空隙变化不敏感
· 高可靠性
· 对干扰场不敏感
典型应用: 线性位移和速率测量,用磁极轮做角度测量
行业: 发动机和机动车辆, 工业控制