4.电缆的允许弯曲半径:单芯电缆:20D,mm 多芯电缆:15D,mm D----电缆的实际外径。
1. 20℃导体直流电阻符合GB/T 3956-2008的要求。
2.交流电压试验,额定电压U0为3.6kV 以下电缆施加
型号/ Type
型号Type | 名称Description | 用途Application |
YJV | 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated PVC sheathed Power Cable | 可敷设在室内、隧道及管道中Apply to indoor, tunnel, and channel. |
YJY | 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated PE sheathed Power Cable |
YJV22 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在室内、电缆沟、管道、直埋等能承受较大机械外力等固定场合。Apply to indoors, trenches, channel and ground, fixed installation be able to withstand large mechanical force. |
YJY23 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated steel tape armored PE sheathed Power Cable |
YJV32 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated steel wire armored PVC sheathed Power Cable | 敷设在高落差、竖井,可承受一定的机械拉力等场合。Apply to high drop, well, and other occasions can be withstand certain mechanical tension. |
YJY33 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套电力电缆XLPE Insulated steel wire armored PE sheathed Power Cable |
YJV | 6/6kV、6/10kV | 8.7/10kV、8.7/15kV | 26/35kV |
电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 | 电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 | 电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 |
1×25 | 20 | 571 | 22 | 649 | 35 | 1279 |
1×35 | 21 | 678 | 23 | 770 | 36 | 1407 |
1×50 | 22 | 818 | 24 | 915 | 37 | 1576 |
1×70 | 24 | 1053 | 26 | 1156 | 39 | 1855 |
1×95 | 25 | 1325 | 28 | 1434 | 41 | 2163 |
1×120 | 27 | 1588 | 29 | 1703 | 42 | 2465 |
1×150 | 29 | 1870 | 31 | 1991 | 44 | 2782 |
1×185 | 31 | 2266 | 33 | 2395 | 46 | 3230 |
1×240 | 33 | 2839 | 35 | 2977 | 48 | 3858 |
1×300 | 35 | 3441 | 38 | 3588 | 51 | 4514 |
1×400 | 39 | 4293 | 41 | 4434 | 54 | 5424 |
1×500 | 43 | 5462 | 46 | 5638 | 61 | 7106 |
1×630 | 47 | 6871 | 49 | 7040 | 65 | 8728 |
1×800 | 51 | 8580 | 53 | 8785 | 69 | 10855 |
3×25 | 39 | 1858 | 45 | 2182 | 72 | 4511 |
3×35 | 42 | 2220 | 47 | 2556 | 74 | 5971 |
3×50 | 45 | 2691 | 50 | 3047 | 77 | 5573 |
3×70 | 48 | 3430 | 53 | 3811 | 81 | 6466 |
3×95 | 52 | 4313 | 57 | 4724 | 85 | 7514 |
3×120 | 55 | 5135 | 60 | 5568 | 88 | 8477 |
3×150 | 59 | 6062 | 64 | 6514 | 91 | 9548 |
3×185 | 63 | 7308 | 68 | 7821 | 96 | 11039 |
3×240 | 68 | 9127 | 73 | 9649 | 101 | 13033 |
3×300 | 73 | 11100 | 78 | 11655 | 106 | 15246 |
3×400 | 80 | 13772 | 85 | 14374 | 113 | 18209 |
3×500 | 90 | 17594 | 96 | 18350 | 130 | 23908 |
3×630 | 98 | 21983 | 103 | 22806 | 138 | 29189 |
3×800 | 106 | 27425 | 112 | 28315 | 149 | 36094 |
YJV22 | 6/6kV、6/10kV | 8.7/10kV、8.7/15kV | 26/35kV |
电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 | 电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 | 电缆近似外径 | 电缆近似重量 |
3×25 | 45 | 2825 | 50 | 3269 | 78 | 6422 |
3×35 | 47 | 3238 | 52 | 3668 | 82 | 7705 |
3×50 | 50 | 3778 | 55 | 4227 | 85 | 8412 |
3×70 | 53 | 4604 | 59 | 5134 | 88 | 9448 |
3×95 | 57 | 5627 | 63 | 6162 | 92 | 10626 |
3×120 | 61 | 6526 | 66 | 7084 | 95 | 11701 |
3×150 | 64 | 7538 | 69 | 8112 | 99 | 12988 |
3×185 | 69 | 8894 | 74 | 9498 | 104 | 14651 |
31×240 | 74 | 10829 | 79 | 11552 | 108 | 16816 |
3×300 | 79 | 13008 | 86 | 14496 | 114 | 19222 |
3×400 | 87 | 16678 | 93 | 17455 | 121 | 22431 |
31×500 | 98 | 20855 | 103 | 21801 | 137 | 28545 |
3×630 | 106 | 25655 | 111 | 26522 | 145 | 34124 |
3×800 | 114 | 34354 | 119 | 32329 | 156 | 41387 |