信誉翻译公司(王经理18239923531 QQ3105230094),是经工商局注册的,由留学归国人员创办大型科技翻译机构,公司自成立以来,一直以质量求生存,一切工作都是围绕着质量的保证进行,包括严格的质量控制体系、规范化的翻译流程、细致的审核标准、科学的管理以及制度化的译员筛选程序。目前,公司汇聚了500多名具有专业背景的高素质外语人才,他们能够在众多领域中以多国语言及时、专业地为您解决各种语言问题,提供高质、快速的翻译服务。
信誉风格:注重品质(Quality) 、专业做事(Professionalism) 、诚实做人(Honesty) 、创造价值(Value)。
信誉翻译——中国. 权威翻译机构,你理想的选择!
[Technical equipment]:
1. Production department is equipped with advanced computer processing
equipment, several high-performance computers, scanners, printers, CD-R, and
linking with broadband network. The company LAN can ensure smooth document
transmission and efficient document processing.
2. Global multilingual system guarantees that electric translation documents of
20 languages can be provided. Various operating platform of Windows series,
proficient operation of Office software, charting, composing and design by
Photoshop, Freehand, Framemaker, Pagemaker, Acrobat, CorelDarw and making of
PDF documents etc. can fully satisfy all kinds of need for document processing.
3. Our technical supporter continuously research and explore the latest
technical achievements and apply them in relevant work, so as to improve the
translation quality and speed. Chinese localization work for web page of
various languages can guarantee the electric publishing standard and relatively
high browsing speed of the page.
4. Legal copy of Trados software helps us to build translation memory for every
VIP customer. It can be referred to and called for next service, which
increases the proficiency and maintains the unification.