IEC61000-4-12,ANSI C62.41
内阻:12Ω, 30Ω,200Ω
NSG 3060浪涌测试系统特点
NSG 3060浪涌测试系统可完成符合CE标识和ANSI C62.41标准的测试,包括对综合波、振铃波和EFT电快速瞬变脉冲群以及PQT电压跌落的测试。其多样性的扩展能力使得它能够灵活配置来适应更广阔的应用场合。
利用NSG 3060浪涌测试系统独有的“主-从”结构概念,新的脉冲发生器模块可简便快速地增加到原来的系统中。这种技术允许利用存储在从控制器上的校准数据和校正因子对单个脉冲模块分别进行校准。新模块的安装非常简便, 无需返回整个系统对其进行校准。
采用技术先进的组件,NSG 3060在开关切换技术和相位精度方面建立了新的标准,并且超越了现行标准的要求。采用功能强大的处理器使得NSG 3060浪涌测试系统能够完全满足ANSI C62.41标准中所规定的独特的耦合要求。ANSI C62.41标准要求脉冲幅值要随着交流电源脉冲相位、电压的幅值的变化而变化。
在新NSG 3060系列里边最引人注目的变化就是集成了具有超高对比度的7”彩色触摸屏。依据要求,可利用集成在NSG 3060上的键盘或带有按键的滚轮进行灵敏度调节。
利用集成在NSG 3060的DTA(直接测试程序调用)功能,只要少数几个“点击”便可触发标准化测试,从而可快速可靠地获得测试结果。
NSG 3060有以太网端口,以便PC对它进行控制。Windows软件简化了测试程序,并允许对各种不同脉冲类型的复杂测试序列进行编程。在测试操作期间,可生成测试报告,同时允许操作者在测试过程中输入观察值以提高长时间测试的效率。
*浪涌电压高达6.6 kV
*IEC 和ANSI 两种耦合方式
*DTA (直接测试程序调用) 可快速提供标准化测试设置
*高精度开关切换技术,满足ANSI 耦合方式的要求
NSG 3060瞬态传导抗扰度模拟发生器
NSG 3060有以太网端口,以便PC对它进行控制。Windows软件简化了测试程序,并允许对各种不同脉冲类型的复杂测试序列进行编辑。在测试操作期间,可生成测试报告,同时允许操作者在测试过程中输入观察值以提高长时间测试的效率。
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-5和ANSI(IEEE)62.41脉冲
参数 | 值 |
脉冲电压(开路) | ±200V至6.6KV(以1V为步长) |
脉冲电流(短路) | ±100A至3.3KA |
阻抗 | 2/12Ω |
极性 | 正/负/交替 |
脉冲重复: | 5*—20s,长达600s(步长为1s) *可根据所选的脉冲电压和EUT供电电压减小 |
测试时间 | 1至9999个脉冲,不间断 |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0至359°(以1°为步长) |
耦合 | 外部/ANSI/IEC |
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-12和ANSI(IEEE)C62.41脉冲
参数 | 值 |
脉冲电压(开路) | ±200V至6.6KV(以1V为步长) |
脉冲电流(短路) | ±16.6A至±550A,±10% ±6.6A至±220A,±10% ±1A至±33A,±10% |
阻抗 | 12Ω/30Ω/200Ω |
极性 | 正/负/交替 |
脉冲重复: | 5*—20s,长达600s(步长为1s) *可根据所选的脉冲电压和EUT供电电压减小 |
测试时间 | 1至9999个脉冲,不间断 |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0至359°(以1°为步长) |
耦合 | 外部/ANSI/IEC |
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-4标准
参数 | 值 |
脉冲幅度 | ±200V至4.8KV(以1V为步长)—开始电压 ±100V至2.4KV(50Ω匹配系统) |
脉冲群频率 | 100Hz至1000KHz |
极性 | 正/负/交替 |
重复时间 | 1ms至4200s(70min) |
脉冲群时间 | 1ps至1999s,单个脉冲,连续 |
测试时间 | 1s至1000h |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0至359°(以1°为步长) |
耦合 | 外部/ANSI/IEC |
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-11标准
参数 | 值 |
电压跌落和变化 | 从EUT输入的电压跌至0V、0% |
可选变压器的Uvar | ±16.6A至±550A,±10% |
步进变压器的Uvar | 0%;40%;70%;80%; |
峰值冲击电流能力 | 500A(230V时) |
切换时间 | 1至5PS(100Ω负载) |
事件时间 | 20ps至1999s、循环1至99’999个周期 |
测试持续时间 | 1s至70'000min;1至99'999时间;连续 |
重复时间 | 40ps至35min、循环1至99999次 |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0-359°(以1°为步长) |
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-11标准
参数 | 值 |
带有可选变压器的Uvar | 0至265V(以1V为步长)、0至115%(以1%为步长) |
重复时间 | 1ms至35min,循环1至99999次 |
测试时间 | 1ms至5s,循环1至250次(50Hz) 循环1至300次(60Hz),离散 |
重复时间 | 10ms至10s;循环1至250次(50Hz),循环1至300次(60Hz) |
测试时间 | 1s至99999min、1至99999个周期、不间断 |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0-359°(以1°为步长) |
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-9标准
参数 | 值 |
场 | 1至1200A/m(以1A/m为步长) |
极性 | 正/负/交替 |
重复时间 | 5s至10min(以1s 为步长) |
阻抗 | 2Ω |
线圈因数 | 0.01至50.00 |
测试时间 | 1至9999个脉冲,不间断 |
相位同步 | 异步、同步0至359°(以1°为步长) |
MFO 6501/MFO 6502产生的工频磁场
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-8标准
场 | 1至40A/m(以1A/m为步长) |
频率 | 50/60Hz |
线圈因数 | 0.01至99.99 |
测试时间 | 1至9’999脉冲,不间断 |
参数 | 值 |
设备供电 | 250VAC/115VAC |
去耦衰减 | 残余脉冲:最多15% 电源端串扰:最大15% |
符合标准的脉冲 | 1.2/50ps可达6.6KV |
脉冲耦合 | 8/20ps可达3.3KA |
电源去耦 | 1.5mH 0% /+35% |
连接 | 来自发生器的脉冲输入 EUT供电的电缆连接器 CDN的电源连接线 |
EUT 供电 | 单相 |
EUT VAC | 24至270Vrms,50/60Hz(零相位),最大400Hz |
EUT VDC | 0至270VDC |
EUT 电流 | 1×16Arms不间断(温度监控) 1×25Arms 30分钟 |
EFT(突发) | 将所有的线路与参考地(GND)间耦合的标准耦合方式 IEC/EN 61000-4-4和ANSI(IEEE)C62.41 L,N,PE → 参考GND |
将所有的线或线间组合与参考地进行耦合 L → 参考GND N → 参考GND PE → 参考GND L,N → 参考GND L,PE → 参考GND N,PE → 参考GND | |
综合波形脉冲 | IEC/EN 61000-4-5 线到线(2Ω) N→L/ L→PE/N→PE 线到地(12Ω) L→PE/N→PE→L,N→PE |
综合波&振铃波 | ANSI(IEEE)C62.41 基本1&2 L,N→PE&L→N 增强1&2 N→PE&L→PE 诊断1&2 N,PE→L&L,PE→N |
振铃波 | IEC/EN 61000-4-12 12Ω/30Ω/200Ω N→L/L→PE/N→PE L→PE/N→PE/L,N→PE |
PQT | 相位L的电压跌落和变化 |
NSG3060尺寸 | 449(17.7")×328(12.9";7HU)×565mm(22.2"),W×H×D |
NSG3060重量 | 22kg(48.5 Ib) |
CDN 3060-C16尺寸 | 449(17.7")×238(13.3";5HU)×565mm(22.2"),W×H×D |
CDN 3060-C16重量 | 20kg(44 Ib) |
CDN 3063-C32:符合480VAC ph-ph,32A的浪涌和脉冲群综合耦合网络
CDN 3063-C63:符合480VAC ph-ph,32A的浪涌和脉冲群综合耦合网络
CDN 8014/8015:用于脉冲群的容性耦合钳
CDN 163:每相100A(所有脉冲与参考地耦合)的脉冲群耦合网络
CDN 117/118:用于信号线和数据线的耦合网络
CAS 3025:脉冲群/EFT检测设备
MD 200A:电压差分探头
MD 300:电流探头
符合IEC/EN 61000-4-11标准的附件
INA 6501:手动步进变压器,16Aac,0/40/70/80%
INA 6501:自动步进变压器,16Aac,0/40/70/80%
VAR 6501:自动调节变压器,7.5A
VAR 6502:自动调节变压器,2×16A
VAR 6503:手动调节变压器,7.5A
符合IEC/EN 61000-4/-8-9标准的附件
MFO 6501:手动磁场测试选件-4-8
MFO 6502:自动磁场测试选件-4-8
INA 701:磁场线圈1×1米;与MFO配合,最大3.6A/M-4-8;浪涌*最大值1200A/m-4-9
INA 701:磁场线圈1×1米;与MFO配合,最大40A/M-4-8;浪涌*最大值1200A/m-4-9
INA 753:脉冲成形适配器
Teseq's new NSG 3060 conducted immunity generator takes the proven, user-friendly design of
the highly successful Modula series to a new level. This innovative design uses modular architecture
to provide a versatile system that can be configured for basic testing needs and expanded to meet the
needs of sophisticated test laboratories.
Designed to fulfill requirements for CE mark and ANSI C62.41 testing, the NSG 3060 performs
tests for Combination wave surge, Ring wave and Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) pulses as well as Power
Quality Testing (PQT). Extensive expansion capabilities enable the system to be configured for a much broader range of applications.
New pulse generator modules can be added to the original system quickly and easily withthe NSG 3060's unique "Master-Slave" concept. This technology allows inpidual pulse modules to be calibrated separately with the calibration data and correction factors stored on the slave controller. New modules can be installed with no need to return the entire system for calibration.
Using state of the art components, the self-contained modules set new standards with respect to switching and phase accuracy and exceed the existing standards' requirements. With its powerful processors, the NSG 3060 can completely fulfill the unique coupling requirements specified by ANSI C62.41. This standard requires that the pulse amplitude be adjusted for the phase position of the pulse on the AC mains, and for the amplitude of the mains voltage.
A 7" touch panel display with superb contrast and color is the most striking feature of the new NSG 3060. For fast and efficient data entry, input devices include an integrated keyboard and a thumbwheel with additional keys for sensitivity adjustment.
The user-friendly graphic display speeds test setup. Each parameter's value is highly visible and all settings can be quickly selected and modified with the generously sized touch input buttons. A stylus is not necessary, and ramp functions are programmed quickly and easily. Multi-step test procedures can be created and their sequence or parameter values changed easily.
With Expert Mode users can make manual parameter changes using the thumbwheel while a
test is under way, providing an effective and fast method for identifying critical threshold values.
The Test Assistance (TA) function allows users to initiate standardized test with just a few "clicks" to achieve quick, reliable results in a development environment.
An easily accessible SD memory card allows firmware downloads to be performed quickly and tests to be saved. In the rare case that storage space is not sufficient, the card can be replaced by a commer- cially available SD memory card and existing test files can be easily copied onto the larger SD card.
*Modular, expandable system
*Surge voltage to 6.6 kV for over- testing
*Easy to use 7" color touch screen
*IEC and ANSI coupling methods
*TA (Test Assistance) provides fast standard test settings
*Parameters can be changed while test is running
*Wide range of optional test accessories
*High accuracy switching techno- logy meets ANSI coupling require-ments
The NSG 3060 has an Ethernet port for external PC control. The Windows-based control software simplifies test programming and allows compilation of complex test sequences with perse pulse types. Test reports can be generated during the test operation, allowing the operator to enter observations as the test progresses and increasing the efficiency of long-term tests.
The NSG 3060 performs tests according to the following specifications:
Combination wave pulse 1, 2/50 - 8/20 µs (Hybrid-Surge pulse)
Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 and ANSI (IEEE) 62.41
Parameter | Value |
Pulse voltage (open circuit): | ±200 V to 6.6 kV (in 1 V steps) |
Pulse current (short circuit): | ±100 A to 3.3 kA |
Impedance: | 2/12 Ω |
Polarity: | positive / negative / alternate |
Pulse repetition: | 5* to 20 s, up to 600 s (in 1 s steps) * derated depending on selected pulse voltage and EUT supply voltage |
Test duration: | 1 to 9999 pulses, continuous |
Phase synchronization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Coupling: | ANSI / IEC / external |
Ringwave 0.5 µs/100 kHz
Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-12 and ANSI (IEEE) C62.41
Parameter | Value |
Pulse voltage (open circuit): | ± 200 V to 6.6 kV (in 1 V steps) |
Pulse current (short circuit): | ±16.6 to ±550 A, ±10% ±6.6 to ±220 A, ±10% ±1 to ±33 A, ±10% |
Impedance: | 12/30/200 Ω |
Polarity: | positive / negative / alternate |
Pulse repetition: | 5* to 20 s, up to 600 s (in 1 s steps) * derated depending on selected pulse voltage and EUT supply voltage |
Test duration: | 1 to 9999 pulses, continuous |
Phase synchronization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Coupling: | ANSI / IEC / external |
Burst (EFT) 5/50 ns
Pulse conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-4
Parameter | Value |
Pulse amplitude: | ±200 V to 4.8 kV (in 1 V steps) - open circuit ±100 V to 2.4 kV (50 Ω matching system) |
Burst frequency: | 100 Hz to 1000 kHz |
Polarity: | positive / negative / alternate |
Repetition time: | 1 ms to 4200 s (70 min) |
Burst time: | 1 µs to 1999 s, single pulse, continuous |
Test duration: | 1 s to 1000 h |
Phase synchonization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Coupling: | ANSI / IEC / external |
Dips & drops
conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-11
Parameter | Value |
Dips & drops: | From EUT voltage input to 0 V, 0% |
Uvar with optional variac: | depending on model (VAR 650x) |
Uvar with step transformer: | 0, 40, 70, 80% (INA 650x) |
Peak inrush current capability: | 500 A (at 230 V) |
Switching times: | 1 to 5 s (100 Ω load) |
Event time: | 20 µs to 1999 s, 1 to 99'999 cycles |
Test duration: | 1 s to 70'000 min, 1 to 99'999 events, continuous |
Repetition time: | 40 µs to 35 min, 1 to 99'999 cycles |
Phase synchronization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Variation test
conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-11
Parameter | Value |
Uvar with optional variac: | 0 to 265 V (in 1 V steps), 0 to 115% (in 1% steps) |
Repetition time: | 1 ms to 35 min, 1 to 99'999 cycles |
Test duration: | 1 ms to 5 s, 1 to 250 cycles (50 Hz); 1 to 300 cycles (60 Hz), abrupt |
Repetition time: | 10 ms to 10 s; 1 to 250 cycles (50 Hz), 1 to 300 cycles (60 Hz) |
Test duration: | 1 s to 99'999 min, 1 to 99'999 events, continuous |
Phase synchronization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Pulsed magnetic field in conjunction with INA 753 and INA 701 or 702
conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-9
Parameter | Value |
Field: | 1 to 1200 A/m (in 1 A/m steps) |
Polarity: | positive / negative / alternate |
Repetition time: | 5 s to 10 min (in 1 s steps) |
Impedance: | 2 Ω |
Coil factor: | 0.01 to 50.00 |
Test duration: | 1 to 9'999 pulses; continuous |
Phase synchronization: | asynchronous, synchronous 0 to 359º (in 1º steps) |
Power magnetic field in conjunction with MFO 6501 / MFO 6502 and INA 70x
conforms to IEC/EN 61000-4-8
Coupling networks CDN 3061
Field: | 1 to max. 40 A/m (in 1 A/m steps) |
Frequency: | 50/60 Hz |
Coil factor: | 0.01 to 99.99 |
Test duration: | 1 to 9'999 pulses, continuous |
Parameter | Value |
Instrument supply: | 230/115 VAC |
Decoupling attenuation: | Remanent pulse 15% max. Mains side crosstalk 15% max. |
Mains decoupling: | 1.5 mH 0% + 35% |
Connections: | Pulse input from generator Cable connector for EUT supply Power inlet for CDN |
EUT supply: | 1-phase |
EUT VAC: | 24 to 270 Vrms, 50/60 Hz (phase - neutral), 400 Hz max |
EUT VDC: | 0 to 270 VDC |
EUT current: | 1 x 16 Arms continuous (temperature controlled) 1 x 25 Arms for 30 min |
EFT (Burst) | Standard coupling all lines to ref ground (GND) IEC/EN 61000-4-4 and ANSI (IEEE) C62.41 L, N, PE ref GND Any lines and combinations to ref GND: L → ref GND N → ref GND PE → ref GND L, N → ref GND L, PE → ref GND N, PE → ref GND |
Combination wave pulse: | IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Line to line (2 Ω) N→L / L→PE / N→PE Lines to ground (12 Ω) L→PE / N→PE |
PE Combination wave & ring wave: | ANSI (IEEE) C62.41 Basic 1 & 2 L, N→ PE & L→N Supplemetal 1 & 2 N →PE & L→PE Diagnostic 1 & 2 N, PE →L & L, PE→N |
Ring wave: | IEC/EN 61000-4-12 12/30/200 Ω N → L / L→PE / N→PE L →PE / N→PE / L, N→PE |
PQT: | Dips & drops to phase L |
Dimensions NSG 3060 W x H x D: 449 (17.7") x 328 (12.9"; 7 HU) x 565 mm (22.2")
Weight NSG 3060: 22 kg (48.5 lbs)
Dimensions CDN 3061-C16 WxHxD: 449 mm (17.7") x 226 mm (8.9"; 5 HU) x 565 mm (22.2")
Weight CDN 3061-C16: 20 kg (44 lbs)
CDN 3063-C32:Combined surge & burst coupling network for 480 VAC Ph-Ph, 32 A
CDN 3063-C63:Combined surge & burst coupling network for 480 VAC Ph-Ph, 63 A
CDN 8014/8015:Capacitive coupling clamp for burst
CDN 163:Burst coupling network 100 A per phase (coupling all to ref ground)
CDN 117/118:Coupling networks for signal-/data lines (surge)
CAS 3025:Burst/EFT verification set
MD 200A:Voltage differential probe 7 kV
MD 300:Current probe 5 kA
Accessories for IEC/EN 61000-4-11
INA 6501:Manual step transformer, 16 AAC, 0/40/70/80%
INA 6502:Automatic step transformer, 16 AAC, 0/40/70/80%
VAR 6501:Automatic variable transformer, 7.5 A
VAR 6502:Automatic variable transformer, 2 x 16 A
VAR 6503:Manual variable transformer, 7.5 A
Accessories for IEC/EN 61000-4-8/-4-9
MFO 6501:Manual magnetic field option -4-8
MFO 6502:Automatic magnetic field option -4-8
INA 701:Magnetic field coil 1 x 1 m; with MFO max. 3.6 A/m -4-8; Surge* max. 1200 A/m -4-9
INA 702: Magnetic field coil 1 x 1 m, with MFO max. 40 A/m -4-8; Surge* max. 1200 A/m -4-9
*) Pulse shape adapter INA 753 needed to surge generator
INA 753:Pulse shape adapter