手机:15889598483 手机2:15091758393
Million for the supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
我公司利用多年的进口资源以及海外客户网络专业处理品名繁多,单证不全、归类困难,商检困难的复杂产品。万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司【上海虎桥进出口有限公司】,专业新旧机械设备进口十七年,拥有300多名物流师,丰富操作经验,‘专业高效安全责任’的服务理念,现已成为华南区实力强大的进口代理服务公司,欢迎来电洽谈,阎先生 15889598483。
Our company with many years of import resources and overseas customer networkprofessional name is various, the documents are not complete, classified difficult, complex product inspection difficult. Million for supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.[Shanghai Tiger Bridge Import & Export Co., Ltd], professional mechanical equipment importfor seventeen years, has more than 300 logistics pision, rich experience in the operation,'professional and efficient safety responsibility' service concept, has become the Southern China region of strong import agent Service Corporation, welcome calls to negotiate, Mr. Yan15889598483.
The old machinery import agent import agent, used in production line:
A mechanical equipment import agent, our success:
1) 各种生产类机械:医疗设备、注塑机、铣床、磨床、冲床、雕刻机、纺织机械、CNC加工中心、包装机械、火花机、贴片机、切割机、点胶机、焊接机、打头机、镭射钻孔机、清洗机等新旧设备.
1) production machinery: medical equipment, injection molding machine, milling machine,grinding machine, punching machine, engraving machine, textile machine, CNC machining center, EDM machine, packing machine, SMT machine, cutting machine, glue machine,welding machine, tipping machine, laser drilling machines, washing machines and other new and old equipment.
2)承接各种机械进口项目包括:国外企业产生线搬迁进口,新旧设备报关商检,海关备案等. 塑胶进口清关代理公司 3)旧机电进口许可证、旧机电进口备案、进口旧机电产品装运前检验证书等.
2) to undertake a variety of machinery import projects include: foreign enterprises productionline imported old equipment, customs inspection, customs registration. Plasticimport customs clearance 3 Proxy Companies) of used mechanical and electrical productsimport license, the old mechanical and electrical import record keeping, the import of used mechanical and electrical products pre shipment inspection certificate.
Food import customs declaration, customs clearance of imported food
Two, our successful cases of food import agent:
1) Coffee, wine, olive oil, Taiwan tea, candy, condiments, beverages.
2) to undertake various kinds of imported food items include: imports of food enterprisesChinese record label, food, customs, commodity inspection record of food and food Taiwanmistress import agent services.
3) the record label, food Chinese pre sampling, sample, health certificate.
Die mold import agent import agent, the old, used the mold import agent
三、我司模具进口代理成功案例: 1)各种模胚、五金模具、注塑模具、钣金模具、塑料模具、冲压模具、铸造模具、挤出模具、压铸模具、滚丝模具、汽车模具等进口代理. 2)承接各种模具进口项目:国外模具一般贸易进口,模具香港快件进口等. 3)旧模具进口备案、清关、送货上门一条龙服务。
Three, our mold import agency success stories: 1) all kinds of mold, hardware mold, injection mold, metal mold, plastic mold, stamping die, die casting, extrusion die, die casting mould,thread rolling mould, auto mould, import agents. 2) to undertake a variety of mold and dieabroad project: general trade imports. The mold import from Hongkong. 3) the old mold import record keeping, customs clearance and door-to-door service.
Cosmetics imported cosmetics import customs clearance agent, cosmetics, cosmetics import declaration, the import record keeping
四、我司化妆品进口代理成功案例: 1>护肤品、眼霜、唇膏、面膜、香水、爽肤水、粉底、腮红、眼影等各种名牌、非名牌化妆品进口代理. 2>承接各种化妆品进口项目:化妆品一般贸易进口代理,化妆品香港快件进口代理. 3>化妆品进口备案,进口标签审核,样品检验等.
Four, our cosmetics import agency success stories: 1> skin care, eye cream, lipstick, perfume,mask, toner, foundation, blush, eye shadow and other famous brand, non brand namecosmetics import agent to undertake the project. 2> import all kinds of cosmetics: cosmetics in general trade import agent, cosmetics import from Hongkong 3> cosmetics import agent. The record labels, audit, sample inspection.
联系人:阎佳辰15889598483 15091758393
Contact: Yan minorities among 15889598483 15091758393
Address: Shenzhen, Luohu District, No. 5002 Shennan East Road, building 4002 unit to the king
If you still do not understand, can contact me at any time, I will provide the most reasonableimport proposal to give you the first time. We will design the best solution for your company toimport.