线控制器(选件) 线控制器与主机相连放于桌面更方便于操作 系统开/关电源指示 更换过滤器指示灯并提供声音报警(过滤器堵塞发出声光报警信号) 调整流量旋钮(当所需气体流量大小需要改变时可调整线控制器上的旋钮来完成) This illustration distinctly shows the importance of using a fume extraction system, even when soldering only once in a while or for just a few hours a day. The captured particles are primarily condensed residues from flux. Without a filter system these particles ill be partly inhaled the operator with the remainder spread over the work object and workplace. In contrast, a proper filter system will eliminate not only the particles, but will also catch and eliminate dangerous gases created in the soldering process. ASTHMA “Occupational Asthma is a disease characterized by variable air flow limitation and/or airway hyper-responsiveness due to causes and conditions attributable to a particular occupational environment and not to stimuli encountered outside the workplace.” (Bernstein et al 1993)
Fumes and gases in industrial areas are often dangerous to the people working in those areas. Some of these substances are readily visible or have a distinct odor; others are invisible and odorless. Many are toxic and can lead to allergic reactions, sometimes progressing to occupational