With PATHMATE it takes only minutes to mix, pour and form each section.
Only three tools are needed: the ODJOB mixer, PATHMATE and a trowel. Just fill the mould, smooth the stone and lift away the mould. Because it builds one section at a time, there is no need to complete the entire project at once.
PATHMATE gives professional results at a fraction of the cost, and makes it easy to create your own custom designs.
See Store Locator to find a store near you.
用来制作水泥(或红泥)花园路径的模具,该模具由不规则的孔组成,可将水泥浆在模具里面填满,再将上部用手抹平,待水泥快干的时候,将装料 模具拿出来,然后在缝隙处洒上石砂,产品可以反复使用,直到一整条路全部造完为止。该产品操作简单,女士和小 孩子也可以DIY自己的花园。适用于花园,草地,阳台,别墅景观。可以造不同颜色的路,只需将里面的水泥调和成带色的即可,不需要昂贵的设备和铺设费用。 省钱,便捷,美观,实用。