check to ensure that the impeller and pump body of the finish. Concentricity of
the impeller also is the important factor to affect pump power, therefore in
the process of device to ensure the concentricity of the impeller. The quality
of the hot oil pump seal is the key to affect the pump power elements, when hot
oil pump seal system damaged pump leakage。 常州市武研热油泵有限公司 地 址:常州市武进区横林镇横玉路247号 销 售:0519-89197180,0519-89197280 售 后:0519-89197580 传 真:0519-89197380 手 机:13775024666 Q Q: 876363125 邮 箱:WRY@vip.163.com 热油泵配件 www.wry006.com WRY热油泵 www.wry002.com WRY高温导热油泵 www.wry008.com 武进导热油泵 www.wry003.com 友情链接:波纹管密封节能泵 www.wyryb.com 锅炉辅机配件: 武研导热油泵: 锅炉辅机:www.whboiler.com 出渣机:www.cz-boiler.net 主动/被动炉排片:www.glfj.net 储油槽:www.wh-boiler.com 2015.4.20小蒋