深圳市微普测电子有限公司提供 销售·维修·仪器仪表·配套选件等服务 联系人 陈生 13760490886 欢迎来电咨询 (提供售前售后支持) -----------------------------------------------------------公司地址:深圳市龙华新区民治街道办民治大道横岭恒润小区575室 直线电话:0755-23351026 传真号码:0755-83143057 电子邮件:176146752@QQ.com QQ176146752 泰克| tla612逻辑分析仪|泰克| 68通道
* tla611 34通道逻辑分析仪具有高达2 MB的深度
* tla612 68通道逻辑分析仪具有高达2 MB的深度
* tla613 102通道逻辑分析仪具有高达2 MB的深度
* tla614 136通道逻辑分析仪具有高达2 MB的深度
*最大采样率™采集技术提供了2 GHz(500 PS)的定时分辨率快速查找困难的问题
*高达200 MHz的状态采集分析同步数字电路
* 500 MHz的深的时序分析与2 MB的每通道
*状态/定时存储深度:68K 128K
* MagniVuTM采集技术提供了高时间分辨率的时间所有的通道通过相同的探针
以上是tla612泰克| tla612逻辑分析仪|泰克| 68通道的详细介绍,包括tla612泰克| tla612逻辑分析仪|泰克| 68通道的、型号、图片、厂家等信息!* TLA611 34 Channel Logic Analyzers With Up to 2 Mb Depth
* TLA612 68 Channel Logic Analyzers With Up to 2 Mb Depth
* TLA613 102 Channel Logic Analyzers With Up to 2 Mb Depth
* TLA614 136 Channel Logic Analyzers With Up to 2 Mb Depth
* MagniVu™ Acquisition Technology Provides 2 GHz (500 ps) Timing Resolution to Find Difficult Problems Quickly
* Up to 200 MHz State Acquisition Analysis of Synchronous Digital Circuits
* Simultaneous State and High-speed Timing Analysis Through the Same Probe Pinpoints Elusive Faults Without Double Probing and Reacquisition
* 500 MHz Deep Timing Analysis with Up to 2 Mb Per Channel
* Glitch and Setup/Hold Triggering and Display Finds and Displays Elusive Hardware Problems
* Transitional Storage Extends the Signal Analysis Capture Time
* Processor and Bus Support
* Universal Source Code Support for Correlating High-level Language Source with Real-time Trace
* Integrated View (iView™) Capability Works with Tektronix TDS Digital Storage Oscilloscopes for Analog/Digital Cross-domain Analysis
* Digital Hardware Verification and Debug
* Monitor and Measure Digital Hardware Performance
* Number of channels state/timing: 68Ch
* State speed/timing speed: 100MHz to 2GHz
* State/timing memory depth: 68K to 128K
* Time stamp: 50 bit
* Resolution: 500ps
Key Points
* MagniVuTM Acquisition Technology Provides 500ps Timing Resolution on All Channels All the Time Through the Same Probe
* Up to 200MHz State Acquisition with 400MHz Data Rate for Advanced Processors and Buses
* Simultaneous State and High Speed Timing Analysis Through the Same Probes Pinpoints Elusive Faults
* 500MHz Deep Timing Analysis with Up to 128Mb Per Channel
* Broad Processor and Bus Support
以上是TLA612 Tektronix | TLA612 逻辑分析仪|泰克|68通道的详细介绍,包括TLA612 Tektronix | TLA612 逻辑分析仪|泰克|68通道的价格、型号、图片、厂家等信息!