该产品能一次性完成纸板的1-2色印刷、分切、压线、修边、开槽、切角、模切、打孔等多道工序。采用前缘吸附送纸, 风量可调,主机变频控制。PLC电脑相位电动调整,各连接部气动锁定,电动分合,精磨齿轮,齿轮润滑采用喷淋式循环润 滑,免键结构锁紧,该机具有套色准确,印刷图案精美,使用和维修方便,自动化程度较高、高效率生产等特点。
The whole functions:
This machine can complete 1-2 color printing.Lead feeder, suction changeable, frequency conversion motor controlling. motorized phase setting. Pneumatic lock of each unit, electicly open/close of each unit.gears are grinded,keyless linked and spray lubrication.high printing precision,easy to opration and maintenance. High auto level,high efficiency ect.