Code Reader 1400
Code Reader™ 1400 (CR1400) 是一款坚固耐用的紧凑型条形码阅读器,搭载高性能扫描引擎、专利双视场光学平台和示教性目标定位,可极快、可靠和更经济实惠地阅读一维和二维条形码。
从医疗保健到零售,再到其他高使用率环境,其可消毒塑料机壳和 IP54 等级可保护 CR1400 的性能免遭刺激性清洁剂、锈蚀和水侵入——甚至反复跌落——的侵害。
搭载 JavaScript 平台,CR1400 可通过快速且简单的配置,将条形码数据填充到任何企业解决方案中。
CR1400 的特点及优点:
•三个可编程指示器:振动模式、LED 指示灯和有声提示音
•兼容 Code 的 CortexTools™ 软件配置实用程序
•JavaScript 数据编辑与解析
•采用 Code 的崭新快速断开式 Affinity® 电缆
•可消毒 IP54 等级机壳
•标准质保:5 年
•CodeOne 质保服务期限延长计划
Applications:Healthcare, Mobile coupon or ticketing (event, airline, cinema, etc), Pharmacy, Patrol Vehicles, Retail, and Manufacturing.
Part #
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6FT USB straight cable, stand. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. Coiled USB Cable and Stand. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable. Color: White. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKR-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. Coiled USB Cable and Stand. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), SCANNER ONLY. 2D Imager, USB or RS-232 interfaces. Color: White. Does not include necessary cables. For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-PKU-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable and stand. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable and stand. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), EU RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. Coiled RS-232 Cable, Stand, and EU Power supply. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), EU RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, stand, and EU power supply. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and stand. Color: Dark gray. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKR-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and stand. Color: Dark gray. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKR-F1)
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. Coiled RS-232 Cable, Stand, and US Power supply. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, stand, and US power supply. COlor: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), SCANNER ONLY. 2D Imager, USB or RS-232 interfaces. Color: Dark gray. Does not include necessary cables. For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKU-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), SCANNER ONLY. 2D Imager, USB or RS-232 interfaces. Does not include necessary cables, see accessories. Color: Dark gray. For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKU-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, US power supply. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and US power supply. Color: Dark gray.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable. Color: Dark gray. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1421-PKR-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable and stand. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable and stand. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), EU RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, stand, and EU power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes RS-232 cable, stand. Color: White. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-PKR-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and stand. Color: White. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-PKR-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, stand, and US power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), SCANNER ONLY. 2D Imager, USB or RS-232 interfaces. Color: White. Does not include necessary cables. For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-PKU).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 14 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable, US power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and US power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable. Color: White. Does not included necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-C503).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), McKesson USB + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. USB cable and stand. Color: Dark gray. CONFIGURED FOR MCKESSON, NON-STANDARD.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), McKesson USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: Dark gray. CUSTOM CONFIG FOR MCKESSON, NON-STANDARD PART.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 Kit, 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable. Color: Dark gray. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1). For the full kit see (Part# CR1411-C503-F1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), McKesson RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled RS-232 cable and stand. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR MCKESSON, NON-STANDARD. Does not include necessary US power supply (Part# CR2AG-P1).
Reader 1400 (CR1400), EU RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes RS-232 cable, stand, EU power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), RS-232 + Stand Kit. 2D Imager. Includes RS-232 cable, stand, US power supply. Color: White.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), Cerner USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 14 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR CERNER, NON-STANDARD.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), Cerner USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR CERNER, NON-STANDARD.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), Cerner USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 6 ft. straight USB cable. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR CERNER, NON-STANDARD.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), CR1400 Lt Gray USB 14\'\' Coiled USB Cable, McKesson Config.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), McKesson USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 14 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR MCKESSON, NON-STANDARD.
Reader 1400 (CR1400), McKesson USB Kit. 2D Imager. Includes 8 ft. coiled USB cable. Color: White. CONFIGURED FOR MCKESSON, NON-STANDARD.