膨胀玻化微珠 | |
简 述 膨胀玻化微珠是一种无机玻璃质矿物材料,经过多级碳化硅电加热管式生产工艺技术加工而成,呈不规则球状体颗粒,内部多孔空腔结构,表面玻化封闭,光泽平滑,理化性能稳定,具有质轻、绝热、防火、耐高低温、抗老化、吸水率小等优异特性,可替代粉煤灰漂珠、玻璃微珠、膨胀珍珠岩、聚苯颗粒等诸多传统轻质骨料在不同制品中的应用。是一种环保型高性能新型无机轻质绝热材料。 市面常见的三种无机材料对比与在干混砂浆中的应用 |
名称 Name | 原材料 Raw material | 物理性能 Physical Properties | 在砂浆中的应用 Application in Mortar |
膨胀珍 珠岩 Expanded perlite | 珍珠岩 Perlite | 1. 容重轻 (60~80kg/m³) 2.吸水率极大 3.颗粒强度低 4.导热系数小 1. Low density 2.High water absorption 3.Low particle strength 4.Low heat conductivity | 1.不规则与毛絮状的外形,容易在砂浆搅拌过程中产生阻力,和易性极差。 1. irregular and floccus, easy to make resistance while mixing, bad workability 2.容重轻,颗粒强度低,本身有较好的热工性能,但在砂浆搅拌过程中容易破碎,会很大程度降低其热工性能 2. Low density, low particle strength, good thermal property itself, but break easily while mixing, and reduce thermal property. 3.吸水率大,使得砂浆的需水量增加,破坏了砂浆的凝固周期,使得砂浆的力学性能大大降低,极易产生空鼓、开裂,严重影响整个保温系统的热工性能和耐久性。 3. High water absorption, which increase mortar water demand, degrade its mechanical property significantly, then easy to have hollowing and craze, has a strong impact on the thermal property and durability. |
闭孔珍珠岩 Hole-close perlite | 珍珠岩 Perlite | 1. 容重大 (120~180kg/m³) 2.吸水率较大 3.颗粒强度较大 4.导热系数大 1. High density (120~180kg/m³) 2. High water absorption 3.High particle strength 4.High heat conductivity | 1.不规则的外形,在砂浆中易产生阻力,和易性差,搅拌时间长,造成其在砂浆中不易分布均匀,容易造成应力集中,引起空鼓、开裂,大大降低了砂浆的力学性能和热工性能,也影响到保温层的使用寿命。 1. irregular shape makes it easy to produce resistance, low workability, long mixing time, makes it unevenly distributed in the mortar, which will easy cause stress concentration, hollowing and cracking, reduce mechanical property and thermal property greatly, also has impact on the insulation layer service life. 2.容量大,导热系数较差,在砂浆中必须增加轻骨料掺加比列方能满足热工性能标准要求,轻骨料掺加量的增加必然会降低砂浆的力学性能或增加胶凝材料成本。 2. High capacity with bad heat conductivity, need to increase light aggregate to meet the thermal property requirement, but adding light aggregate will reduce mortar mechanical property and increase gelled materials cost. 3.吸水率较大,在应用过程中会出现上述膨胀珍珠岩同样的问题,不过在各项指标上要优于膨胀珍珠岩。 3. High water absorption, will have similar problems as expanded perlite while using, but have better performance than expanded perlite. |
膨胀玻化微珠 Expanded and vitrified small ball | 松脂岩 Perlite | 1. 容重轻(80~120kg/m³) 2.吸水率小 3.颗粒强度较大 4.导热系数小 1. Low density (80~120kg/m³) 2.Low water absorption 3.High particle strength 4.Low heat conductivity | 1.球状颗粒,表面玻化,在砂浆搅拌工程中流动性好,和易性佳,能在短时间内搅拌均匀,降低了砂浆在干湿搅拌过程中的骨料破碎,有稳定的热工性能与力学性能。 1. Spherical particle, surface vitrified, good fluidity while mixing, good workability, mixed evenly shortly, then reduce the aggregate broke when dry-wet mixing, good thermal property and mechanical property. 2.容量轻,导热系数低 2. low density, light weight, low heat conductivity 3.吸水率小,很容易在砂浆中得到控制,收缩率小,不空鼓开裂,有稳定的热工性能与力学性能,并且也相对提高了砂浆的使用寿命。 3. Low water absorption, easily controlled in mortar, low shrinkage, no hollowing and cracking, stable thermal property and mechanical property, increase the mortar service life. |