Product summarize
ZDM100 series are dual interface cards reader & writer, support contactless cards and contact cards read and write, which absorbs the advantages of various products on the market, owns powerful function and good compatibility
Product picture
Main feature
Ø 支持在线升级;
Ø upgrading online could be realized
Ø 蜂鸣指示;
Ø Buzzer indicating
Ø 状态指示灯。
Status indicator lamp
The basic parameters
Ø 工作频率:13.56MHZ;
Operating frequency----------13.56 MHz
Ø 供电方式:USB取电;
Ø Power: USB
Ø 工作电压:DC5V;
Voltage--------- DC5V
Ø 尺寸(单位:mm):119X84 X28.5;
Ø Size (mm):119X84 X28.5
Ø 颜色:灰色;
Ø Color: gray
Ø 读卡距离:0—80mm;
Ø Reading distance: 0--80mm
Ø 支持协议:ISO/IEC 14443 TypeA,ISO/IEC 14443 TypeB,ISO/IEC 15693,ISO/IEC 7816;
Ø Meet protocol : ISO/IEC 14443 TypeA,ISO/IEC 14443 TypeB,ISO/IEC 15693,ISO/IEC 7816;
Ø 通信方式:USB2.0(HID无驱);
Ø Communication mode: USB2.0(No drive HID)
Ø 最长有线通信距离:3m;
Ø Cable communication distance (max) :3m
Basic operation
Ø 驱动程序
Ø Drivers
Drive is not needed
Ø 数据线连接
Ø Micro USB
Ø Micro USB contact with computer USB or RS232, to make sure it link with the upper machine.
Ø 开机/关机
Ø Connected with the computer,the buzzer rings once, the red power indicator light is lit, it means auto power On.
Ø 在线方式
Ø Online
Ø During on-line control mode, the reader & writer link with the upper machine, reading card is realized by the upper machine command control, the result go back to upper machine by card reader.
Ø 特别说明
Ø Special instructions
Ø This product provides a second interface development, Windows demonstration program, support upgrade online.
Ø 注意事项
Ø Notes
² 刷卡时,应将卡置于读卡器前侧已标识的刷卡区域内。卡与读卡器前侧外表面的距离应在0-8cm,以保证卡的正确读写操作。采用接触读写卡时,应将卡插入读卡插槽内。卡与读卡器触点充分接触,以保证卡的正确读写操作。
² When card swiped, it should be put on the card area where has been noted in the front of the card reader . The distance between card and the surface of the card reader front, with warranty card could be read and wrote correctly. When the contact card is read or wrote, it should be put in into card slot, card and card reader should contact fully to make sure card correctly read and write operations.
² 刷卡时,卡在区域内停留的时间不能太短,否则读卡器来不及对卡进行读写操作。
² The duration could’t be too short when swiping card, otherwise the reader too late to read and write card.
² 本读写器属电子产品,切忌进水,以免造成内部短路,损坏机器。
² The card reader/writer belongs to the electronic products, avoid by all means is water, otherwise internal short circuit and damage to the machine.
² 本读写器通过射频与感应式IC卡交换数据信息,因此读写器和感应式IC卡之间不能有金属物阻挡,以防止屏蔽射频。
² The card reader/writer exchanging data with induction IC card by radio frequency , therefore, the metal can’t between card reader/writer and induction IC card, otherwise radio frequency will be shielded.
Product application
Financial, bank, industrial and commercial tax, health care, insurance, security, telecommunications, logistics, transportation, public transportation management, one-card-through , etc
After service
If the Reader/writer failure, please contact with local maintenance station quickly, or contact with our company sales service department, must not disassemble & maintenance, lest cause unnecessary loss.
Ø “7日”包退:产品自售出之日起7日内,发生性能故障,消费者可以选择退货、换货或修理。
Ø “7 days ”guarantee for returns: If the goods performance failures occur within 7 days from the date of sold consumers can choose to return, exchange or repair.
Ø “15日”包换:产品自售出之日起l5日内,发生性能故障,消费者可以选择换货或修理。
Ø “15 days”guarantee for replacement:If the goods performance failures occur within 15 days from the date of sold, consumers can choose to exchange or repair.
Ø 一年包修:产品自售出之日起一年内,发生性能故障,本公司免费提供维修服务。
Ø One Year Repair :If the goods performance failures occur within 1 year from the date of sold, our company will provide free maintenance services.