我们希望帮助企业用户进行自动化控制系统的定制化开发、设计; 我们希望为企业提供自动化控制系统过程优化,生产信息处理的解决方案; 我们希望为企业进行测控、工控设备的设计、集成、制造提供售前、售中、售后的服务; 我们希望为您提供优质、低价、货期短、有质保的数据采集I/O、软件、工业自动化通讯等产品; 我们已经在物联网、楼宇、机台检测、电力、节能、汽车电子、工厂产线等自控集成方案有了成熟的经验。 价格说明 此价格为含税价格,订单中税费无需独立统计。其他综合需求,请与我们联系。正常供货期为2个工作日。 联系电话:021-60517870、31230678、18516008375 微信号:18516008375、shanghaizhouda 意见直通车 如果您有任何意见或建议,请拨打021-6051 7870、3123 0678告诉我们 投诉信箱: gnsi2014@163.com ,谢谢。 产品概述 I-7000 and M-7000 remote I/O modules provide cost-effective protection and conditioning for a wide range of valuable industrial control system. The product line includes sensor-tocomputer, computer-to-sensor, digital I/O, timer/counter, RS-232 to RS-485 converter, USB to RS-485 converter, RS-485 repeater, RS-485 hub and RS-232/422/485 to Fiber Optics. I-7000 supports DCON protocol, and M-7000 modules support Modbus RTU and DCON protocols. Many SCADA/HMI software and PLCs support Modbus RTU protocol. It is easy for them to integrate with M-7000 modules . The I-7018/M-7018 is an 8-channel Analog Input module that provides current and voltage input, as well as thermocouple input. The I-7018R/M-7018R is an upgraded version of the I-7018/M-7018 that includes an extremely high-quality protection mechanism where the overvoltage protection can be as high as 240 Vrms. The I-7018R/M-7018R is more suitable for critically harsh environments, and the newly-added open thermocouple detection feature makes the I-7018R/M-7018R more attractive than ever. The I-7018/M-7018/I-7018R/M-7018R also features 4 kV ESD protection and 3000 VDC intra-module isolation. The specifications for the M-7018 and M-7018R are the same as the I-7018 and I-7018R, but provide additional support for the Modbus RTU protocol as well as the DCON protocol. 模拟量输入 输入通道 8差分 输入类型 热敏电阻 热敏电阻 +/-15 mV, +/-50 mV, +/-100 mV, +/-500 mV, +/-1V, +/-2.5V, +/-20 mA(需外部接125Ω电阻)热电偶( J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, C, L, M) 分辨率 16-bit 采样率 10次/秒 精度 +/-0.1% of F.S.R. 带宽 15.7 Hz 零点漂移 +/-10 μV/°C 跨度漂移 +/-25 ppm/°C 波特率 15.7 Hz 共模抑制 86 dB min. 差模抑制 100 dB 输入阻抗 >400k Ω 过压保护 240 Vrms 热电偶开路检测 √ ESD保护 +/-4 kV (连接到没一个通道) 隔离电压 3000 VDC 接口 接口 RS-485 格式 N, 8, 1 波特率 1200 ~ 115200bps LED显示 1路LED作电源/通讯指示用 电源 输入 +10 VDC ~ +30 VDC 功耗 1.8 W 工作环境 工作温度 -25 °C ~ +75 °C 存储温度 -40 °C ~ +85 °C 湿度 10 ~ 95% RH, 无冷凝 供货与配送 关于货期:本型号产品为正品全新!!您采购的该型号产品,您下单成功后,我司安排交货事宜,正常供货期为2个工作日。特殊情况我司会主动联系您,与您说明最佳交货时间。 关于配送:紧急需求我公司采用顺丰速递送至用户(若用户处无顺丰服务点或收货不便利,我司有权可选用其他配送方式),同城可送货上门!普通货品采用韵达快递送至用户。 公司实力 GNSI公司(上海甘溪自动化系统工程有限公司)是台湾泓格科技有限公司授权的一级代理商,也是台湾泓格科技有限公司(工控产品)系统集成的合作伙伴。常年备货台湾泓格科技品牌产品现货,可以快速满足客户的需求。同时,我们只卖原装正品,绝无二手及翻新产品,假一罚十!!! 台湾泓格科技有限公司 泓格科技成立于1993年,以PC based I/O卡为最初的研发产品线,1998年我们认为嵌入式控制器极具未来性,所以整个研发重心移到了各种嵌入式控制器,远程I/O模块等产品线。经过多年的努力经营,目前在中国市场,我们已经站稳PAC产品领跑者的地位。 目前总公司位于台湾新竹工业区,台湾的据点有台北新店办事处,板桥办事处,台中办事处,高雄办事处,在中国大陆以上海为总部,研发工程师总数已达100人,总员工数约为250人。 身为一家国际化的公司,除立足台湾外,我们亦有放眼天下的企图心,因此我们陆续在德国成立ICP DAS Europe与美国ICP DAS USA等服务网点。目前全世界的经销伙伴不下100 家。产品线:PAC系列|分布式I/O|PC based I/O板卡|工业通讯产品|工业自动化运动控制|HMI平板/组态软件| 开票详情 本公司全部在售的产品,都可开具6%的技术服务专用票和17%的普通发票及增值税专用发票!!! 用户在订单中备注清楚公司的开票信息,或传真或邮件至我公司。 传真:021-3123 0678,邮箱:gnsi2014@163.com 服务电话 技术支持:18521038375、021-60517870 售后服务:18516008375 发货查询:18516638375 在线Q Q:2293125802,2980991646 微 博: 606434546 微 信:18516008375 E-mail: gnsi2014@163.com 办公地址:A-上海市嘉定区云屏路388弄6号30层;B-上海市静安区镇宁路200号西峰6楼 仓库地址:A-上海市静安区镇宁路200号西峰14楼;B-江苏昆山市花桥镇绿地大道211弄10号
Models I-7018 I-7018R M-7018 M-7018R Analog Input Channels 6 Differential and 2 Single-ended, or 8 Differential 8 Differential 6 Differential and 2 Single-ended, or 8 Differential 8 Differential Wiring Differential Sensor Types Thermocouple J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, C Voltage ±15 mV, ±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2.5 V Current ±20 mA, 0 ~ +20 mA, +4 ~ +20 mA (requires an optional external 125 Ω resistor) Resolution 16-bit Accuracy 0.1% of FSR Sampling Rate 10 Hz (Total) Input Impedance > 400 kΩ Common Voltage Protection 25 VDC 200 VDC 25 VDC 200 VDC Inpidual Channel Configuration - Overvoltage Protection ±80 VDC 240 Vrms ±80 VDC 240 Vrms Open Wire Detection
(for thermocouple only)- Yes - Yes Temperature Output Consistency - Stable Temperature Output in the Field - Note: For highly-accurate thermocouple measurement, ICP DAS recommends selecting the I-7018Z/I-7019Z module,which features automatic cold-junction compensation for each channel, ensuring consistent and stable temperature output. Models I-7018 I-7018R M-7018 M-7018R Communication Interface RS-485 Bias Resistor No (Usually supplied by the RS-485 Master. Alternatively, add a tM-SG4 or SG-785.) Format (N, 8, 1) (N, 8, 2) (E, 8, 1) (O, 8, 1) Baud Rate 1200 to 115200 bps Protocol DCON Modbus RTU, DCON Dual Watchdog Yes, Module (1.6 Seconds), Communication (Programmable) LED Indicator/Display System LED Indicator Yes, 1 as Power/Communication Indicator I/O LED Indicator - 7-Segment LED Display - Isolation Intra-Module Isolation, Field-to-Logic 3000 VDC EMS Protection ESD (IEC 61000-4-2) ±4 kV Contact for each Terminal EFT (IEC 61000-4-4) ±4 kV to Power Surge (IEC 61000-4-5) ±0.5 kV for Power Line Power Reverse Polarity Protection Yes Input Range +10 ~ +30 VDC Consumption 1.0 W Mechanical Dimensions (L x W x H) 123 mm x 72 mm x 35 mm Installation DIN-Rail or Wall Mounting Environment Operating Temperature -25 to +75°C Storage Temperature -40 to +85°C Humidity 10 to 95% RH, Non-condensing