电性能Electrical specifications
(1)电压Voltage 标称Normal 3.7V
(2)容量Capacity标称Normal 40mAh (标准充放电by standard charge and discharge)
最小Min 40mAh (标准充放电by standard charge and discharge)
(3)充电Charge 电压Voltage 4.2+/- 0.05V
电流Current 40mA (1C快充Quick Charge)
8mA (0.2C慢充Continuous Charge)
方式Method CC/CV (恒流/恒压)
电流Current 40mA (持续Continuous)
8mA (标准Standard)
终止Empty 3.0V
(1) 型号: BULL-BH101
Model:BULL- BH101
(2) 过充保护:单只电芯的电压偶尔或者持续超过4.325±0.05V (同时仍然能放电),要切断电路停止充电。
Over Charge Prohibition: Shut down the circuitry and stop charge if one of cell’s voltage exceeds more than 4.325±0.05V momentarily or continuously.(Meanwhile, it is able to discharge)
Delay Time:1.5s(Typ.),1.7s(Max.)
(3) 过充释放:在电芯电压已被检测到充电禁止模式下,如果单只电芯的电压低于4.15V±0.5V,禁止模式将被复位.
Over Charge Release: In case of the cell voltage which has detected charge prohibition mode. If all of cells are less than: 4.15V±0.05V prohibition mode would be reset.
(4) 过放保护:如单只电芯的电压偶尔或者持续低于2.5V±0.1V (同时仍然能充电),要切断电路停止放电。
Over Discharge Prohibition: Shut down circuitry and stop discharge if one of cell’s voltage becomes less than 2.5V±0.1V momentary or continuously.(Meanwhile, it is able to discharge)
延迟时间:180ms(Typ.), 210ms(Max.)
Delay Time:180ms(Typ.), 210ms(Max.)
(5) 过放释放: 电压达到2.9V±0.1V时需要恢复电压。 如电池组没有电压需要恢复时,请连接电源供应.
Over Discharge Release: Recover when the voltage of cells reach above: 2.9V±0.1V. If battery pack is no voltage, please connect the power supply, and the voltage will recover.
(6)过流保护:当保护IC检测到电流在(2.1A<i<3.9a,典型值为3.0a)时,会切断电路停止放电。 < i<3.9a,典型值为3.0a)时,会切断电路停止放电。 </i<3.9a,典型值为3.0a)时,会切断电路停止放电。 <>
Excess current protection: When the protection IC detects the current exceeds the specified current(2.1A<i<3.9a ,typ="3.0A,)," it="" shall="" shut="" the="" circuit="" and="" stop="" discharge。延时时间:="" 4.48ms(typ.),="" 13.5ms(max.)Delay time: 4.48ms(Typ.), 13.5ms(Max.).</i
(7)短路保护:当保护IC检测到MOS管上压降大于规定电压(1.2V(Min.), 1.25V(Typ.), 1.3V(Max.)),要切断电路停止放电
Short circuit protection: When protection IC detects the voltage drop on MOS exceeds the
specified voltage (1.2V(Min.), 1.25V(Typ.), 1.3V(Max.)), it shall shut the circuit and shop discharge.
延时时间: 600us(Max.)
Delay time: 600us(Max.)
联 系 人:陈琦 先生
电 话:0755 -36937225移动电话:18319065589
传 真:0755 -61110959
地 址:广东深圳市宝安区龙华大浪浪口工业园4栋2楼
邮 编:518100