上海奥德 污泥脱水机技术特点:
Technical features:
Thickener sludge and sludge dewatering machine combined savings of sludge thickening tank, the various dilute sludge is a highly adaptive.
Supernatural gravity concentration and the extrusion dehydration, handling a large volume.
Using rotary cylinder washing, cleaning ability, uniform cleaning filter cloth, needed less water.
Large frame structure, durable and easy to repair.
Using gas spring tension and bias, high precision and low failure rate.
1. 重力脱水区:物料进入料箱,经过料箱的折流除砂后均匀的布在重力脱水区的网带上,依靠重力的作用,脱出介质中的游离水。
2. 楔形脱水区:物料进入楔形脱水区后,经过该段轻微的挤压脱水,使介质的流动性完全丧失,从而保证物料进入回旋脱水区是不会被压溃,重力脱水区及楔形脱水区的网带依靠脱水板或导网辊支撑。通过该区段时两侧用封浆器防止浆料的流失。
3. 回旋脱水区:该区段主要依靠上下网带重合,中间夹住介质,通过网带的张力和网带绕回辊产生的挤压力,挤出水分。
4. 压榨脱水区:该区段采用对辊偏心挤压的方法,使局部产生高压,从而提高介质浓度,完成固液分离。加压方式一般为气动加压。
1.Gravity dehydration areas : materials into a bin after bin of Baffle Desanding uniform after Bush gravity dehydration in the net belt Gravity on the role of the media stepped out free water.
2.Wedge dehydration areas : materials into wedge dehydration zone, after the extrusion of minor dehydration, enable mobile media completely lost, thereby ensuring materials into the roundabout dehydration District will not be crushed, Gravity dehydration and dehydration wedge with the network rely on the board or dehydration I. Roll network support. Through the zone when both sides used to prevent the closure pulp slurry for the loss.
3.Roundabout dehydration District : The next section on the main network with coincidence, in the middle clamping medium, through the net with the tension band around the net and roll back the extrusion pressure, extrusion water.
4.Dewaterer areas : the use of Section roll extrusion eccentric ways in which local produce high pressure, thereby increasing media concentration complete solid-liquid separation. Pressure normally for pneumatic compression.
1. 机架:采用优质碳素钢板折弯成形及焊接。表面采用先进的防腐技术处理,最后涂装,既防腐又美观。
2. 辊体:以厚壁钢管为主体采用烘装工艺制成毛坯辊,辊体外圆、端面、轴头全部挂耐腐蚀胶,而且在靠近轴承的部位设有防水台。以保护轴承。对被处理介质有特殊有求的辊体,采用不锈钢包覆或NIP合金镀层处理。
3. 脱水板:采用高分子PEA板中间钻孔,该脱水板具有硬度高,耐磨性好,耐腐蚀和聚酯网之间的摩擦小等优点,主要安装在重力脱水区和楔形脱水区。
4. 封浆装置:采用聚氨酯材料制成,既具有一定的弹性又有一定的耐磨性,安装在楔形脱水区以防止浆料流失。
Quality Assurance
1.Rack : Bending quality carbon steel forming and welding. Surface application of advanced anti-corrosion technology, with the final painting, both preservation and aesthetically pleasing.
2.Roller : A thick-walled pipe for the main process equipment used scones made from rough roller, roller vitro round face, the first axis linking corrosion resistant plastic. Bearing in close to the site with waterproof Taiwan. To protect bearings. To be treated with special media have requested the body roll, use stainless steel or coated alloy coating treatment NIP.
3.Dehydration plate : PEA board polymer intermediate drilling, the dewatering plate with high hardness and good wear resistance. corrosion resistant polyester net and friction between the small advantages, such as the installation of the gravity main dehydration dehydration and the wedge area.
4.Pulp closure devices : polyurethane material, we have a certain degree of flexibility is definitely the wear resistance, Wedge dehydration installed in the area to prevent the loss of slurry.
标准配备 Standerd Equip: 选配 Select Matching
主机体 Mainframe 污泥输送泵 Sludge feeding pump
转鼓浓缩系统 Drum-concentrate system 絮凝系统 Flocculate system
电控箱 Electrical-control box 清洗泵 Fleanout pump
空气压缩机 Air compressor 污泥输送装置 Sludge feeding device
Application Industries :
1.Apply to the large municipal sewage, large factories and smelters and the moisture content of the sludge, there are strict requirements for the project, If metallurgical industry, the steel industry, water works, gas desulfurization.
2.Apply to the large volume of sludge, the sludge into a low concentration of items such as paper, fiber, sugar, and brewing industries. Not include sludge thickening for the municipal wastewater.
The press we offer the Jin Chang province
Technique parameter:
机型Type | 带宽 Bandwidth | 产量 output | 进料浓度 Feed concentration | 出料浓度 Discharging concentration | 外形尺寸 Dimensions 长X宽X高 | 配用动力 (KW) | 重量 (kg) |
DY-1000 | 1000 | 150-470 | ≥2% | 20-25% | 5590×2717×2562 | 7.5 | 3600 |
DY-1500 | 1500 | 250-600 | ≥2% | 20-25% | 5590×3717×2562 | 7.5 | 5900 |
DY-1800 | 1800 | 460-900 | ≥2% | 20-25% | 5590×3920×2562 | 10 | 8100 |
DY-2000 | 2000 | 530-1000 | ≥2% | 20-35% | 7300×3950×3047 | 18.5 | 10800 |
DY-2500 | 2500 | 640-1100 | ≥2% | 20-35% | 7300×4590×3047 | 22 | 12600 |
DY-3000 | 3000 | 720-1300 | ≥2% | 20-35% | 7300×4950×3047 | 37 | 15000 |
Processing Capacity and moisture percentage would have few difference in different industry.
Above models, the company standards for carbon steel materials
Preservation drawings above information, the Company is the electronic version, Welcome for the installation of more technology,
Not embedded parts and bolts
Type size change, do not inform any more.