Zoriver 国内出口欧州数字精密压力表
YSB-75/120 系列数字精密压力表
YSB-75B、YSB-120 型数字精密压力表,是我公司开发研制的微功耗数字显示精密仪表。它采用最新的微功耗处理器和专用驱动处理软件,可以连续真实的测量压力数值。
YSB-75B and YSB-120 are low power dissipation digital display precision instruments developed by our company. With low power dissipation processor and special driver processing software, it provides continuously real pressure measurement.
The instrument is designed and manufactured as per Machinery Industry Standard of The PRC. Before shipment, each one is subject to full range pressure alternating test, extreme temperature ambient compensation and test, professional power-one aging test. As a result of these tests, the accuracy, within 1 year and range of 0~50°C, completely meets the technical
YSB-75B型智能数字压力表是我公司依据国际标准最新开发设计的以国外市场为目标的产品。该产品融汇了目前多项国际流行的先进电子技术、单片计算机技术、电擦除和抗干扰技术等,从而保证了产品具有测控精度高、 抗干扰性能强、防护性能优越、操作简洁、适用范围宽等优点。
YSB-75B、YSB-120 主要用于需要精密压力测量的场合。如:用于压力校验(差压)变送器、精密压力表、血压计等压力测量仪器。是指针式精密压力表的更新换代产品。
Replacing conventional pointer type test gauges, YSB-75B and YSB-120 are found where precise pressure measurement is needed, such as calibration of pressure/differential pressure transmitters, test gauges and sphygmomanometers.
YSB-75A features stainless steel enclosure, compact size, light weight, multifunction, ultra-low power dissipation, reliable performance, easy and flexible operation, perfectly meets the demand of high accuracy pressure measurement and can be used as front terminals of industrial controls via special ports. A wide range of applications include pressure regulating and automatic control in hydraulic, petroleum, plastic, rubber, printing and dyeing, textile industries.
◎ 大屏幕: 大屏幕液晶显示,读数直观清晰,适应环境温度宽;
Large Screen: large screen LCD, legible and easy reading, wide temperature range.
◎ 高精度: 先进的微处理器技术,进口测控芯片,性能稳定、准确度高;
High Accuracy: advanced micro-processor technology, imported measuring and controlling circuits, stable and precise.
◎ 低功耗: 超低功耗智能控制,采用标准AA/AAA 电池可连续工作一年;
Low Power Dissipation: ultra-low power dissipation intelligent control, powered by standard AA/AAA battery for continuous 1 year service.
◎ 防腐蚀: 整体采用不锈钢/ 铝壳喷塑密封结构,适应腐蚀性介质及恶劣环境;
Corrosion-Proof: stainless steel / enameled aluminum sealed construction, suitable for corrosive media and severe environment.
◎ 耐振动: 元器件经过防振处理,组装紧固可靠,可以在振动场所正常使用;
Vibration-Proof: elements are treated for vibration-proof, robust assembly, work properly where vibration exists.
◎ 通讯功能: 支持工业控制RS485 通讯功能,可以实现压力系统自动化控制管理;
Communication: support RS485 communication, making automatic control and management of pressure system possible.
◎ 外型特点: 体积小、操作简单、便于携带和现场操作
Exterior: compact size, easy operation, portable and filed operable.
使用温度: 0~50℃(YSB-75B、YSB-120);-20 - 65 ℃(YSB-75A)
Working Temperature: 0~50°C (YSB-75B, YSB-120) -20~65°C (YSB-75A)
气压:(86 ~ 106)KPa
Atmosphere: (86~106)KPa
相对湿度:< 90%(不结露)
Relative Humidity: <90%(no condensation)
压力范围:0~10 KPa ~0~60 Mpa(根据用户要求,可选用适当量程范围)
Pressure Range: 0~10KPa ~ 0~60KPa (upon customer request, appropriate pressure range can be chosen)
数字显示:0.5%FS% 级为4 位大字符液晶显示;0.05%FS% 级为5 位大字符液晶显示;
Digital Display: 0.5%FS% class is 4 digits large characters LCD;0.05%FS% class is 5 digits large characters LCD
显示范围:0.5%FS% 级 0.001 - 9999(小数点可变)MPa 0.05%FS% 级 0.0001 - 99999(小数点可变)MPa
Display Range: 0.5%FS% class 0.001~9999(variable decimal) MPa 0.05%FS% class 0.0001~99999(variable decimal) MPa
采样速度:2 次/ 秒
Sampling Speed: 2 times / second
仪表精度:0.05% 、 0.1% 、0.25% 、 0.5%FS
Instrument Accuracy: 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%FS
电源要求:三节AAA 干电池(YSB-120) 三节AA 干电池(YSB-75)
Power Requirement: 3 AAA dry batteries (YSB-120) 3 AA dry batteries (YSB-75)
压力介质:压力介质为与316 不锈钢相兼容的液体或气体
Pressure Media: liquid or gas compatible with 316 stainless steel
压力过载:额定量程的1.5 倍;
Pressure Overload: 1.5 times nominal pressure range
外型尺寸:直径75mm× 35mm(YSB-75) 、 120mm× 35mm(YSB-120)
External Dimensions: diameter 75mm x 35mm(YSB-75), 120mm x 35mm(YSB-120)
重量: 0.3Kg(YSB-75) 、 0.8Kg(YSB-120)
Weight: 0.3kg(YSB-75), 0.8kg(YSB-120)
数字功能:支持工业控制RS485 通讯功能
Digital Function: support industrial control RS485 communication function
连接螺纹: M20X1.5(可根据用户特殊要求加工)External Dimensions: diameter 75mm x 35mm(YSB-75), 120mm x 35mm(YSB-120)
Connection Threads: M20x1.5(special on customer request)