Also branded as Wandel & Goltermann (W&G) and TTC.
- Conducts high performance transmission line, equipment, systems and services testing
- Supports ISDN, PCM, POTS, E1/T1, FDM, FM-VFT and xDSL networks
- Offers selective and broadband measurementswith spectrum analysis in one unit
- Provides signal and frequency response analysis
- Enables end-to-end testing and comprehensive reporting even over long distances Delivers a high degree of portability, including five hour battery operation
Also branded as Wandel & Goltermann (W&G) and TTC.
- Conducts high performance transmission line, equipment, systems and services testing
- Supports ISDN, PCM, POTS, E1/T1, FDM, FM-VFT and xDSL networks
- Offers selective and broadband measurementswith spectrum analysis in one unit
- Provides signal and frequency response analysis
- Enables end-to-end testing and comprehensive reporting even over long distances Delivers a high degree of portability, including five hour battery operation
销售/租赁/回收/维修 如:SPIRENT / IXIA 数据网络测试仪,TELEBYTE ,HUAWEI 华为 TESGINE 网络测试仪,丹麦B&K| Brüel & Kjær 振动,声学仪器,LITPOINT 无线测试仪,SPIRENT DLS6800 DLS6700,信而泰 XINERTEL Bigtoa200 ,Bigtao6000 ,ATTERO CKL-2U HoloWAN IPN600 网络损伤仪,NTI RT-2M ,电话线路模器,来电显示模拟器,TELEPHONE LINE SIMULATOR,VDSL / VDSL2+ LINE SIMULATOR ,telebyte 458-3sl , XDSL LINE SIMULATOR ,示波器,功率分析仪,电流探头,标准源 等。IXIA以太网测试仪、Testcenter网络测试仪、ITEST无线产品测试仪、Abacus5000系列、信而泰Bigtao系列、DLS线路模拟器、NuStreams600i 、Telebyte 458-3SL