联系人:韩丽 联系电话:18805418309 QQ:1657191862
Single Point Crimping Machine
铝门窗单头组角机主要用于角码结构的平开门窗 45 °接缝的挤压联结。
The machine is mainly used for extrusion and connection of 45 ° seam casement window
with angle joint structure.
Before operating, place a cornerbrace in cavities of two profiles to be connected. After locating
and clamping,the two hydraulic driven punching blocks punch towards the flute of cornerbrace,
making the outer wall of the profile permanently colddeformed. Extrude the seam of two profiles
and make strength, efficiency and precision of the connection higher than using any other means
for connection.
输入电源 Power supply 380V 50Hz
油泵电机 Oil pump motor 1.5kw 1400r/min
耗气量 Air consumption 50L /min
油路系统压力 Oil circuit system pressure 16Mpa
冲压力 Impact pressure 44KN
冲头调整行程 Impact head adjustment 25mm
冲头冲铆行程 Impact head stroke 45mm
冲头高度调整范围 Impact head height adjustment 80mm
定位块行程量 Locating block stroke 70mm
定位块行程调整范围 Impact block stroke 80mm
气路系统压力 Locating block stroke adjustment 0.4~0.6(Mpa)
型材最大高度 Max height 120mm
机床外型尺寸 Overall dimension 830x1000x1200(mm)