技术参数 Speci?cation
最大工作压力/Max working Pressure 1.0MPa
工作温度 / Working temp. 5~60℃
流量 / Flow rate m3
/h (L/min)
Connection threads
G1/8~G1/4 G3/8~G1/2 G3/4~G1
通径 passage dia (mm) 6~8 10~15 20~25
输入压力 P1
Pressure input P1(MPa)
Min: 10滴/分时的最小流量; Max: 当△P=0.1MPa时最大流量
Min: At 10 drops/min minimum ?ow rate; Max: when pressure drop △P=0.1MPa, Max ?ow rate
Min / Max
0.1 2.5/20 (40/330) 1.5/80 (25/1330) 8.5/210 ( 140/3500 )
0.25 3.5/35 (60/580) 2.5/120 (40/2000) 9.2/240 ( 150/4000 )
0.4 4/50 ( 65/830 ) 3/170 ( 50/2830 ) 10/265 ( 165/4415 )
0.6 5/60 ( 80/1000 ) 4/220 ( 65/3665 ) 11/295 ( 180/4920 )
0.8 7/80 ( 115/1330 ) 6/290 (100/4830 ) 13/350 ( 215/5830 )
1.0 10/105 ( 165/1750 ) 9/360 (150/6000) 16/450 (265/7500)
# 油雾器的配接管直径小一号时,最大流量约减少10%。
# With pipeline to the atomizer one size smaller in diameter, max ?ow rate reduces by approx 10%