产品介绍 COD管材生产线是昌捷机械近年来自行研制开发,并在国内率先推出的新产品,具有产量高,工艺简单,自动化程度高,操作方便等特点,填补了国内空白,处于国内领先水平。 昌捷牌COD管材生产线生产速度高达1.5m/min,每盘成品长度可达500米.工艺技术已赶超世界先进水平! C.O.D是波纹光缆导管的英文Corrugated Optic Duct的缩写。这是在总结了以往各种光缆,电缆导管之利弊的基础上,以全新的观念研制而成的新一代高性能光缆导管。它采用摩擦系数极低的改性HDPE为主要原料,结构上以摩擦系数极低的棱壁管为子管,以耐高压,易弯曲的波纹管为母管,经复合挤出而成。它以耐高压,可弯曲,有区分,易施工为主要特点,在物理性能,使用寿命,工程施工等方面具有其他许多产品无法比拟的优势。 |
The COD pipe production line was the changjie machinery independently develops the development in recent years, and in domestic took the lead the new product which promoted, had the output to be high, the craft was simple, the automaticity was high, characteristics and so on ease of operation, have filled the domestic gap, was in the domestic advanced standard. The changjie brand COD pipe production line output velocity reaches as high as 1.5m/min, each end product length may amount to 500 meters. The processing technology has surpassed the world advanced level!
C.O.D is theCorrugated Optic Ductpipe\'s English abbreviation. This was in summarized formerly each kind of fiber optics, advantages in the cable guide foundation, became the new generation high performance fiber optics drive pipe by the brand-new idea development. It uses friction coefficient extremely low modified HDPE is the primary data, in the structure take the friction coefficient extremely low leng wall tube as the sub-tube, bears the high pressure, the easy curving corrugated pipe is the female tube, after compound squeezes out becomes. It bears the high pressure, but is curving, has the discrimination, the easy construction is the main feature, in the physical property, the service life, aspects and so on project construction has the superiority which other many products are unable to compare. |
性能特点 |
抗压 COD产品是特殊的螺旋形状,它增强了传统PE直管的抗压能力,其抗压能力是传统管的好几倍,提高了有效性和弹性,发生地震,塌陷等,也能保证安全。 耐化学物质,耐久性强耐酸,碱能力极强,耐水性更优,在海水及湿地铺设,可耐腐蚀,是半永久性管道。 可信度 因为材料不导电,绝缘性高,是理想的电缆管道。另外外观的热膨胀和收缩相当低于传统导管系统,并由于内,外观的原材料一样,始终保持同一比率。 由于COD管(每500米)盘卷在管架上,所以能减少相当多的劳力成本,最重要的是,COD不需要插入内管,因为多样的内管已经装备在外管里面。 由于较轻的重力(0.95:1.43), COD相当轻,和传统管比,对于施工和运输都很方便。 由于螺纹加工,COD能够弯曲自如,用力弯曲可以达到90度,甚至更大的角度,不需要任何特殊的工具来弯曲或拉直。在施工现场遇到障碍物都能绕行。 由于内管良好的单线设计和很低的摩擦系数,没有连接处,无扭结之问題导线特别方便,同时也延长了孔间距离。內管完全氣密,可抗高內壓,可使用光纜氣拉法。在相同外徑之情況下可多出多管內管,增加使用效益。 最重要的是,COD最多能够导入直径为内管直径的75%的光缆,而传统管最多只能导入50%。 |
应用范围 |
光缆、电缆保护管 |