一、 外型尺寸SIZE:
The products of high energy density and high safety characteristics can be widely used in electric vehicles, energy storage power, UPS, communication base station power supply and defense weapons such as high power lithium battery applications.
LiFePO4(+) |LiPF6|C(-)
序号 No. | 项目 Item | 特性 Characteristics |
4.1.1 | 额定容量Rated Capacity | 60Ah |
| 180A充放电容量 Capacity of 180A Discharge | 60Ah |
4.1.2 | 标称电压Nominal Voltage | 3.2V |
4.1.3 | 内阻Impedance | ≤1.4mOhm |
4.1.4 | 最大充电电压 Charge Limited Voltage | 3.65V |
4.1.5 | 标准充放电电流 Standard Charge/Discharge Current | 60A |
4.1.6 | 最大充电电流 Max Charge Current | 180A |
4.1.7 | 最大放电电流 Max Discharge Current | 180A |
4.1.8 | 放电终止电压 Discharge Cut-off Voltage | 2.5V |
4.1.9 | 工作温湿度范围 Operating Temperature and Humidity Range | 充电Charge:0 ~ 45℃ /65±20%RH |
放电Discharge:– 20 ~ 60℃/65±20%RH | ||
4.1.10 | 存储环境温湿度 Storage Condition | – 20 ~ 60℃/65±20% RH |
4.1.11 | 温度特性 Temperature Characteristics | 60℃:≥99%*额定容量Rated Capacity 0℃:≥85%*初始容量Initial Capacity -20℃:≥70%*初始容量Initial Capacity |
4.1.12 | 循环寿命(20℃) Cycle Life (20℃) | 2000次循环容量保持率80% 1Cdischarged after 1C5A full charged at 20± 5℃.Carry out 2000 cycles, Capacity≥initial capacity×80% |
4.2.1 过充电OVER CHARGE
在环境温度为(20±5)℃的条件下,电池进行1C放电之后,以1.5C电流充电至4.8V,然后转为恒压充电至截止电流(20mA)或8小时, 电池不爆炸、不起火、不漏液、表面温度最高不超过150℃。
In room temperature condition, Discharge the cell to cut-off voltage with 1C current, and CC charged the cell to 4.8V with 1.5C current, then CV charged 8 hours or the current turn to 20mA. End the test the cell no explosion. no fire, no leakage and the temperature of the cell surface not beyond 150 centigrade.
电池在环境温度20℃±5℃的条件下,以0.2C 5A放电至终止电压后,外接(30×n)Ω负载放电24h。电池不爆炸、不起火、不漏液、表面温度最高不超过150℃。
In room temperature condition,discharge the cell to cut-off voltage with standard discharge current, (+) and (-) terminals of the batteries are to be connected with load of 30Ω. Test can be terminated until discharge time is more than 24 hrs. No explode, fire, smoke, nor leakage.The maximum Temperature: ≤150℃.
4.2.3 短路 SHORT CUT
电池标准充电后,在(20±5) ℃温度条件下,用内阻不大于50 mΩ导线短接其正负极,短接1小时后结束。电池不爆炸、不起火、不漏液、表面温度最高不超过150℃。
Standard charging the batteries, then short circuit the (+) and (-) terminals with wire (resistance: no more than 50mΩ) for 1h at room temperature. No explode, no fire, no leakage and the temperature of the cell surface not beyond 150 centigrade.
The battery is to be heated in a gravity convection or circulating air oven after standard charged at room temperature ,The temperature of the oven is to be raised at a rate of 5±2℃/min. The oven is to remain for 30 minutes at 130±2℃ before the test is discontinued. No explode.The maximum Temperature: ≤200℃.
4.2.5 重物冲击 WEIGHT IMPACT
Standard charging the battery at room temperature,10 kg weight is to be dropped from a height of 1m onto the battery.No explode, no fire.
4.2.6 挤压 CRUSH
After standard charged at room temperature, the cell is to be crushed between two flat surfaces. The force for the crushing is to be applied by a hydraulic ram with a 1.25inch (32mm) diameter piston. The crushing is to be continue until a pressure reading of 2500 psig (17.2MPa) is reached on the hydraulic ram, applied force of 3000 pounds(13kN). Once the maximum pressure has been obtained it is to be released. No explode, fire
4.3.1 振动 VIBRATION
Measured the initial OCV after standard charged at room temperature. Vibrate the batteries for 30minutes on each direction at room temperature in 10min.
Vibration: 10-55Hz (sweep 1oct/min)
Direction: X, Y, Z
OCV ≥3.2V, No fire,no leakage, no explode.
4.3.2 跌落 DROPPING
Measured 1C5A capacity as the initial capacity. Measured the initial OCV and impedance after standard charged. Drop the batteries from 1.0m above onto hard wood (thickness: 18~20mm) frontage and reverse side at room temperature. Then measured retention capacity. Retention Capacity: ≥90% ×nominal capacity. No fire, noleakage.
4.3.3 针刺 NEEDLING
A nail (diameter : 3mm) is penetrated vertically through the center of cells. No explode, No fire.
5.1 请在正常的室内环境中使用电池,温度:(20±5)℃,相对湿度:65±20%RH。
Use the battery indoors under normal condition,temperature:(20±5)℃,absolute humidity:65±20%RH.
5.2 在使用过程中,应远离热源、高压,避免儿童玩弄电池,切勿摔打电池。
When in use, the battery shall be kept out of heat、high voltage and avoided children’s touching. Do not drop the battery.
5.3 切勿将电池正负极短路,切勿自己拆装电池,以免发生危险。
Do not contact contactor together. Do not demolish or disassembly the battery by yourself.
5.4 长期不用时,请将电池储存完好,让电池处于半荷电状态。请用不导电材料包裹电池,以避免金 属直接接触电池,造成电池损坏,将电池保存阴凉干燥处。
When the battery was stored for a long period, put it well in its half capacity,and charge it again 3 months later. Do not wrap it with conduct material to avoid the damage caused by the direct contact between the metal and battery. Keep the battery in day places。
5.5 废弃电池请安全妥当处理,不要投入火中或水中。
Well disposed the disused battery. Do not put it into fire or water.
5.6 儿童使用电池前,应受父母指导,并在使用中受监督是否正确。
When Children use the battery, they should be under their parents’ instructions and superintend in use.
5.7 渗漏的电解液会造成皮肤不适,电解液进入眼睛,尽快用清水冲洗,不可揉眼,并迅速送医院处 理。
The leaking electrolyte will cause the skin uncomfortable. If it drops into eyes, do not rob the eyes but wash in time, and go to hospital for treatment.
5.8 如果电池发出异味,发热、变色、变形或使用、贮存、充电过程中出现任何异常,立即将电池从装置或充电器中移离并停用。
If the battery gives off strange odor, generates heat, becomes discolored or deformed, or in any way appear abnormal during use, recharging or storage, immediately remove it from the device or battery charger and stop using it..
5.9 废弃之电池应用绝缘纸包住电极,以防起火、爆炸。
Be aware discarded batteries may cause fire or explosion; tape the battery terminals to insulate them.
六、 警告Cautions!
6.1 当电池组两端电压超过人体安全电压36V时,禁止用身体直接接触电池组正负端。
When the voltage between the two electrodes is over 36V, the safe voltage of human beings, you should
not touch them with your body.
6.2 禁止直接焊接电池和用钉子或其它利器刺穿电池。
Do not directly solder the battery and pierce the battery with a nail or other sharp objects。
6.3 严禁颠倒正负极使用电池。
Do not reverse the position and negative terminal
6.4 禁止用金属直接连接电池正负极短接。
Do not short-circuit the battery by directly connecting the positive and negative terminals with metal objects。
6.5 禁止敲击或抛掷、踩踏电池。
Do not strike, trample or throw the battery。
6.6 禁止将电池分解拆开。
Do not dissemble and break up the battery.
6.7 禁止在高温下(炙热的阳光下或很热的汽车中)使用或放置电池,否则可能会引起电池过热、起火 或功能失效、寿命减短。
Do not use or leave the battery at high temperature (for example, at strong direct sunlight or in a vehicle in extremely hot weather). Otherwise, it can overheat or fire or its performance will be degenerate and its service life will be decreased