The product description
Cesdum SBS waterproof based on asphalt,isocyanate,polyether polyols as the basic compositon,match with various additives and SBS surfactant made by addition polymerization.By polyurthane prepolymers in the terminal bsse after contact with moisture in the air of the chemical reaction,in the form of bscic leves surface tenacity,soft and jointless rubber waterproofing menbrane,fou all the disadvantage of traditionla modified asphalt ciled material and sibple production process.
科施顿SBS涂料是单组份棕黑色液体,现场开盖即用,冷施工,涂膜整体 无接缝,粘接力强,弹性好,能适应基层微开裂。耐化学腐蚀,耐老化,耐霉变,耐水性,不透水性好。本产品不含任何溶剂,施工安全,是健康环保产品。
Product features
Cesdum SBS waterproof is a single-component dard brown liquid,out-of-box,cold construction,jointless film as a whole, strong cohesive force,elongation, able to adapt to grassroots micro crack.chemical corrosion resistance,ageing resistance,resistance to mildew,good water resistance,waterproof performance.This product does not contain any solvents,construction safety,be healthy and environmentally friendly products.coating should be out-box,should not be more than 4h in the air.
Scope of application
Cesdum SBS waterproof is suitable fou the underground,toilet bath room and pool,balcony,pards and other engineering waterproof,can also be used for non esposed roof waterproof engineering.
1. 施工方便,开盖即用
2. 冷施工,易搅拌,施工面积大
3. 绿色环保产品,无毒,无异味
4. 耐磨性好,搞老化性强
5. 防水,防渗,透气性好
1. 喷涂法:基层处理干净,将科施顿SBS防水涂料装入SBS涂料专用机,直接喷于所需做防水层的部位,等表干了之后,大概2个小时,再喷第二遍即。
2. 涂刷法:基层处理干净,直接用毛刷或滚筒施工科施顿SBS防水涂料, 刷在所需做防水层的部位,等表干了之后,大概2个小时,再刷第二遍即可。
3. 替代SBS卷材湿铺法:基层处理干净,将科施顿SBS防水涂料涂刷在需做防水层的部位,铺上无纺布,提高拉力,直到看不到无纺布,建议一布三涂。
4. 防水施工完毕,验收后,用水泥沙浆做一层保护层,以增强防水层的使用寿命。