触点容量;220/380V AC 1A
切 换 差;20~70(mm)
法兰标准;GB2506 GB573-65
一, 概述 UQK-65-C系列船用浮球液位控制器(以下简称控制器)。它山浮球,连杆,铁心部分和磁性开关发生转换机构组成,由浮球检测到的液位变化直接传给磁性开关转换机构。控制器合理地选用全密封引磁隔离开关转换机构,使永磁元件不能直接接触介质,避免了介质内部的混杂蚀质引起轧熬和卡死现象,也不因机构的摩擦而发生故障。 控制器还符合国际电工委会(IEC)92-504(1974年)船用电器设备器特殊要求-控制和测量仪表,中华人民共和国船舶检验局(1983)钢质海船入级与建造规范有关规定,部分还符号英国劳氏船级社的控制和电器设备的形式认可实验规则(1975年)。 二, 用途 UQK-65-C系列位控制器广泛适用于海洋船舶及其它设备的机舱副机锅炉等装置的润滑油,燃油,废油,淡水,污水等密闭或开口容器内的液位报警和控制的作用。但不适宜于对不锈钢材料起腐蚀作用和易燃,易爆的流体的危险场所。 三, 主要技术参数 1. 控制作用;单点位式 Ⅰ,BRIEF Marine Floating Ball Liquid Level Controlleru (called controller in following),is made up of the floating ball the connccting rod,iron core party and the maghetic switching mechanism The Liquid Level change checked by the floating ball will be dircctiy sent to the magnetic switching mechanism The controller resonably selects sealing magnetic isolated on-off switching mechanism in order that the permnnent-magnet component donit dircctly contact the agent So there aren’t both rolling stop and stoping machine by the mixed impurity of the internal agent and to occur the stoppage for the mechanical frictiou of the mcchanism The controller also meets the special requirment of marine control and mcasurement instruments provided by IEC 92-504(1974)of the Intenational Elcctical Industrial committee and is up to the Steel Structure Ocean Ship Classification and the relative stipulations on the marine measurement instrument of Marine Inspection Bureau of the People’sRepublic of China,and is partally up to the test rules on control and electric equipment for model acceptance of Lioyd’s Register of Shipping Ⅱ,APPLICATION Marine Floating Ball Level Controllcr series UQK-65-C,iswidciy used in Ocean Ships and various closevessele and openvessels for liquid level alarm of control in other equipment for lubicating-oil,kerosene of waste oil fresh water,industial waste water ctc in auxiliary machine boiler in engine room of a ship But the controller is not suitable for the agent corrosive to stainless and in the explosive and inflammable dangerous sites Ⅲ,MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETER 1. Control function;single-point position
LO(mm) |
400 |
500 |
630 |
800 |
1000 |
1250 |
重量(Kg) |
13.4 |
14.5 |
16 |
17.7 |
20 |
22.6 |
控制器工作原理基于阿基米德定律,即浮球在液体里受到向上的浮力,浮力的大小等于浮球所排开液体的重量。随着容器内液位的变化,浮球随之上下运动,从而带动连杆,铁心上下移动,使铁心与磁钢的相对位置发生变化。通过铁心与磁钢相互磁力的作用磁钢微动开关转换机构翻转,使微动开关动作,切换差约10-40或10-70mm如图-所示。该微动开关可来操作报警器,阀门或控制其他装置。 五, 结构及外型尺寸(见图二,图三) 端子接线图见图四,图四中在低位时,触电C和B之间的线路导通,而触电C和A之间的线路断开。在高液位时触电C和B之间的线路断开,而触电C和A之间的线路接通。 注意: (1) 改图四是直接作用或液位控制器的单点式典型的接线图。
LO(mm) |
400 |
500 |
630 |
800 |
1000 |
1250 |
重量(Kg) |
13.4 |
14.5 |
16 |
17.7 |
20 |
22.6 |
Ⅳ,WORKING PRINCIPLE The controller’s working principle is based on the Archimedes’principle,I,e the floating ball immersed in the liquid a upward floatage which is equal to the liquid weight drained off by the fioating ball,With the variation of the liquid level in the vessels,the floating ball will go up anddown and drive the connecting rod and the iron core to move upwards and downards,andmake the relative position to chang between the ieon core and the magntic steel,The funcion of magnetic between iron core and the magentic steel makes the minatre on-off switching mechanism turn over and makes the switch act,the changing over difference about 10-40mm of 10-70mm shown in fig,The miniature seitch will send a signal to realize level alarm,to operate the valve,to control other equipment. Ⅴ,CONSTRUCTION AND OUTSIDE DIMENSION The connecting terminals are shown in fig 4. connecting terminal equipment In fig,4,at the lower level,the contactor C and B are connected while C and B disconnected,and at the upper level,the contactor C and B are disconnected while C and A are connected. Note: Fig,4 is a single-point typical connrction diagram for direct action or liquid level controllrr (2)在采用换向支的侧装式控制器中,开关的动作则相反。 适用类型:UQK-651-C 六,型号选择与安排方式 UQK-65-C系列控制器和图中工作状态不同来确定选择其型号,如图五。 (1) 侧装法兰:UQK-651-C (2) 顶装法兰:UQK-652-C 七,安装使用 1. 控制器在使用前,应检查各部位是否有磨擦和螺钉松动现象。 2. 控制器必须安装在易观察,维修方便的部位上,并要保持连杆的中心线垂直。 3. 被控制介质液面的波动频率不宜太大。 4. 当被控介质粘度较大,容易结晶的介质不宜使用。 5. 控制器不适宜于对不锈钢材料起腐蚀作用和易燃易爆的流体的危险场所。 八,定货须知 1. 型号,名称,测量范围,被测介质压力,温度和比重。 2. 如有特殊要求按定货协议。 For in adopting the side-mounting controller,the action of switch is opposite,Adaptable type;UQK-651-C Ⅵ.MODEL SELECTION OF THE CONTROLLER AND ERECTION METHON The selection of the controller and working state shoule dedone in accordance with the process requiement and equipment conitions as fig.5 shows. .Side-mounting flange;UQK-651-C .Top-mounting flange;UQK-652-C Ⅶ.ERECTION AND USAGE 1. Before mounting the controller,the controller should be examind in order to make sure that there is ont any fricion of screw-loosing. 2. The controller should be mounted in the position where it is easy to observe and con-venient for maintenance,And the verticality of the connecting fod centreline should be main-tained. 3. The frequency and the amplitude of the level fluctuation of the agent measured shouldn’t be too much. 4. When the viscosity of the agent measure is rather high of when the agent is easy to becrystallized,the controller is not available. 5. The controller is not suitable for the agent corrosive to stainless steel and in the ex-plosive and inflammable dangerous sites. Ⅷ.ORDER GUIDE 1. When you place an order,please specify the type,the name,the measure scope,the pressure,the temperature and the specifv gravity of agent. 2. If you have a special requirement,we will accord with the order’s agreement.
辽阳金生仪表有限公司官网:www.lylwyb.com www.lysdzkyb.com www.lyjsyb.com
