Thermo Finnigan SpectraSYSTEM AS3500惰性自动进样器
The Finnigan AS3500 Autosampler - a high performance sampling system at a highly competitive price.
- Optional automated sample prep
- Standard sample tray temp control and column oven
- It is a variable sample injection-volumne autosampler
- Micro-robotic operation
- 120-vial capacity with random vial access
- PC-based control available
- Numerous integrated option available
The AS3500 autosampler provides all the features of the model AS3000, but in an inert version. This autosampler is ideally suited for biological applications that require metal-free operation or applications that utilize corrosive solvents or buffers.
Also available is the autosampler AS1000. It has a fixed volume injection using full loop injection mode and has no sample preparation option. AS1000 is especially suitable for laboratories that routinely process high same sample throughput.