产品的固化速度与所密封的材料无关。但是需要在40%的相对空气湿度下经过12小时才能达到完全的密封能力(3bar)。在1”螺纹接头上测得的即时密封压力是0.5bar水压。除非空气湿度也很低,否则低温不会降低密封剂的效果。LOCTITE 5331 provides the following product
Technology Silicone
Chemical Type Acetoxy silicone
Appearance (uncured) White paste
Components One component -
requires no mixing
Viscosity Medium
Cure Humidity
Application Thread sealing
Strength Low
loctite GRADE AV087,乐泰螺纹锁固密封胶,螺栓双头螺柱,250ml 乐泰087胶水,loctite GRADE AV 087,螺纹锁固密封剂,250ml 乐泰grade av胶水 loctite grade av高强度螺纹胶水 250ml 乐泰 Loctite Threadlocker 087 螺纹锁固胶 厌氧胶商品描述: Henkel Loctite 087为高强度,单组份,丙烯酸螺纹锁固胶;含有荧光,中等粘度,符合MIL-S-22473. 250ml瓶装。产品详情产品型号 087 颜色 红色包装规格 250毫升 瓶装 应用市场 一般工业固化条件 室温固化 单双组份 单组份比重
1.068 化学成分 二甲基丙烯酸酯粘度 100 to 250 固化时间 6 to 72h @ 22 °C 介电强度
9.8 kV/mm 导热率 0.1 W/mK 闪点 >93 °C 典型用途 广泛适用于锁固和密封需要高锁固强度的粗牙螺母,螺栓和双头螺柱。LOCTITE 5331 is recommended for use on plastic pipe
threaded fittings carrying hot or cold water. This product cures
at ambient temperatures under the influence of atmospheric
moisture to form a low strength flexible seal against hot and
cold water-----
关于08741:LOCTITE?08741 GRD AV provides the following product
Technology Acrylic
Chemical Type Dimethacrylate ester
Appearance (uncured) Red liquidLMS
Fluorescence Positive under UV lightLMS
Components One component -
requires no mixing
Viscosity Medium
Cure Anaerobic
Application Threadlocking
Strength High
LOCTITE GRD AV is used to lock and seal large coarse
threaded nuts, bolts and studs in a wide variety of applications
where high locking strength is required.
以上产品现货供应,全国范围支持送货上门,价格量大有优势,权威发布:中国汉高乐泰胶水直销公司 公司名称:深圳盛高乐泰胶水有限公司 公司网站:www.loctite2014.com 公司电话:0755-27125041 销售热线:15820439662冷先生 公司邮箱:loctiteus@126.com 客户QQ :281825994 欢迎各位新老客户前来咨询订购,我们将竭诚为您服务!