CaffèSi, founded in Milan in late ’70s, is an established roaster born with the mission to serve Bars and Cafès; some of them are the most historical and largest Cafès in Milano. 创建于上世纪70年代末的CaffèSi是知名的烘焙咖啡品牌。在成立之初,其便以向众多酒吧和咖啡厅提供服务为主要业务,其中不乏米兰城内历史最为悠久、规模最为宏大的咖啡馆。
Recently, to further meet market requirements and new consumer trends, CaffeSi, member of Gimoka Group, has been totally revised either from blends and marketing approach point of view.近来,为进一步满足市场需求和新的消费趋向 ,作为Gimoka(意大利权威咖啡艺术协会)协会的成员的CaffèSi不仅改良了其调制工艺,还更新了其营销观念。
To celebrate its origins, the new pack design is inspired by the architecture of one of the most popular landmark of Milan: the Galleria, symbol for hospitality and place of best Cafés. 为纪念CaffèSi品牌起源,新包装的设计灵感来自于米兰最负盛名的地标建筑——广场,其被视为热情好客的象征,也坐落着做高级的咖啡厅。By the way, most of them serve CaffèSi espresso and cappuccino.值得一提的是,这里大部分的酒吧和咖啡厅都有提供CaffèSi浓缩咖啡和卡布奇诺。