本公司生产销售太阳能层压机专用的高温层压布,层压机内特氟龙输送带,质量好,售后有保障!欢迎广大新老客户亲临本公司参观及业务洽谈! |
层压布是太阳能层压机专用的高温压层布,采用高性能玻璃纤维为基材,以悬浮四氟乙烯(俗称塑料王)乳液为原料,浸渍而成。 |
层压布的规格: |
小机层压机(半自动):常规宽度1.25m以内 |
大型层压机(全自动):常规宽度:(超宽)1.8m、2.0m、2.2m、2.4m等长度一般在3.5m以内 |
常用厚度:0.18mm、0.22mm、0.25mm、0.3mm、0.35mm |
常规颜色:咖啡色、米黄色(可根据产品规格而定) |
层压机内输送带,即高温防粘输送带,又名:特氟龙输送带 |
全自动层压机内电池主件是通过一条高温防粘输送带输送的,由于压层机内被抽真空,为了使布不会吸板,要求高温防粘输送带的表面有纹路,同时这样摩擦力也较大,有利于输送,输送带在输送时张力不宜过大。 |
常规宽度:(超宽)1.8m、2.0m、2.2m、2.4m、2.8m、等,长度一般在10米左右 |
常规厚度:0.22mm、0.25mm、0.3mm、0.35mm、 |
常规颜色:咖啡色、黑色、白色 |
订购热线159 1681 6809 / 137
5123 7302

The company production and sales of solar
laminating machine dedicated high temperature laminated fabric, laminating
machine nate teflon conveyor belt, good quality and sales
After the security!Welcome new and old
customers visit the company visit and business negotiation!
Laminated fabric is solar laminating
machine is special high temperature pressure layer cloth, glass fiber as base
material, high performance is used to suspension ptfe b
Ene (commonly known as the king of plastic)
emulsion as raw materials, impregnated.
The specifications of the laminated fabric:
Small machine, laminating machine
(semi-automatic) : conventional width less than 1.25 m
Large laminating machine (automatic) : conventional
width: (super wide) 1.8 m, 2.0 m, 2.2 m and 2.4 m in length
Within 3.5 m
Commonly used thickness: 0.18 mm, 0.22 mm
and 0.25 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.35 mm
Conventional color: brown, beige (according
to the product specification and decide)
Laminating machine conveyor belt, namely
high temperature anti-sticking conveyor belt, also known as: teflon conveyor
Battery master pieces in the automatic laminating machine is through a high
temperature anti-sticking conveyor belt conveyor, because the laminating
machine is pumping air into vacuum state,
In order to make the cloth not suction
plate, high temperature anti-sticking conveyor belt with the surface of the
lines, at the same time so that the friction is bigger also, benefit
Conveyor, conveyor belt tension when
conveying shoulds not be too big.
Regular width: (super wide) 1.8 m, 2.0 m,
2.2 m, 2.4 m, 2.8 m, etc., usually measured in 10 meters
The conventional thickness: 0.22 mm, 0.25
mm and 0.3 mm, 0.35 mm,
Conventional color: brown, black, white
Ordering hotline at 159 1681 6809/137 5123