该风机具有超低噪声、耗电少、风量大、送风远、易于安装的特点;是工业厂房、各类仓库、办公室、花卉温室、家禽舍房等场合防暑降温理想通风换气之理想选择。输送气体温度≤50℃,相对湿度≤80%,含尘量及固体杂质≤100mg/m3的非易燃易爆、低腐蚀气体。 JS is featured by low noise, electricity saving, large volumn, esay installation, which is an ideal choise for sunstroke prevention and ventilation in occasions such as various warehouses, offices, flower greenhouses, poultry houses and ect. The product is used to transport non-flammable, low-corrosive gases with the tempreture no higher than 50℃, relative humidity no greater than 80% and the quantity of dust and solid impurities ≤150mg/m3. 