
编码 | 刀头类型 | 规格参数(MM) | 粒度 | 功能 |
直径 | 孔径 | 刀头高 | 刀头宽 |
Y302 | 梯形 | 100 150 175 200 | 22 25 50 75 25.4 50.8 | 3、4、5、6、7、9、11、13、16、20、25 | >5 | 80 100 120 150 180 210 240 320 | 用于玻璃异形磨边机、玻璃圆边磨边机、玻璃圆边双边磨边机和玻璃斜边磨边机的底边磨削。 |
Y303 | 圆形 |
Y304 | 鸭嘴形 |
以上规格仅供参考,欢迎来样来图订做加工。 |
The usage and features of diamond dressing
Diamond dressing roller is a high
efficientdressing tool for molded grinding wheels, especially used for dressing
complex surface or high precision molding surface of grinding wheel. There are
electroplating and sintering producing methods to make the dressing roller.
Diamond dressing roller tools have the following advantages:
n 生产效率高,使用寿命长,单件零件的修整成本低。
High production efficiency, long lifetime,
low dressing cost for single component.
n 可长期保证零部件精度,粗糙度的稳定性,大幅降低次品率。
Can ensure the components’ precision and
the stability of roughness in a long time, greatly lower the defective rate.
n 修整装置构造简单,交换频率很低,减少操作人员负担。
Simple structure of the dressing device
with low switching frequencycan reduce the burden of operator.
It’s widely used in various processing
industries, such as machine tool, tools, light industry, bearing, aerospace,
The required precision ofdiamond dressing roller
n 跳动:0.002mm
Run-out: 0.002mm
n 直线度:0.002-0.005mm
StraightnessAccuracy: 0.002-0.005mm
n 圆度:0.002-0.005mm
Circular degree: 0.002-0.005mm
n 长度、台阶差尺寸公差范围:L±0.002-0.005mm
Dimensional tolerance of length and step: L±0.002-0.005mm
n 半径尺寸公差范围:R±0.002-0.005ram
Dimensional tolerance of radius : R±0.002-0.005ram
n 角度公差范围:A±1’
Tolerance of angle: A±1’