2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展19th Buildexpo Kenya 2016 —Charlotte专业外展指导
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展|肯尼亚建筑展会|非洲建材展|矿山机械展|工程机械展|砖机展|Buildexpo Kenya|BuildExpo Africa 北京领汇 郭萌旭 15093220170
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 展会时间: 2016年6月4-6日
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 展会地点: The Dome Nairobi
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 主办单位: EXPOGROUP WORLDWIDE
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 举办周期: 一年一届
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 中国组展单位: 北京领汇国际展览有限公司
2016肯尼亚国际建筑建材展 展品范围
Major Categories
Construction Eqpt. & Machinery Mining
Steel & Aluminium Safety & Security
Building Materials, Tools & Hardware Woodworking
Bathroom, Kitchen & Flooring Air Conditioning
Water Technology Lighting
Exhibitors from 38 countries. Visitors from 11 African Countries. Welcome to Africa's Largest International Building and Construction Trade Exhibition & Conference.
Buildexpo Africa is the only show with the widest range of the latest technology in construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. At the 19th edition of Buildexpo, East Africa’s largest building and construction fair, we bring you exhibitors from over 35 countries who are the finest in infrastructure development. Find what suits you best from about 14.3 million business prospects during the three-day event, with over 10,000 products, equipment and machinery on display across an expanse of more than 10,000 square metres. Last year’s event witnessed international pavilion participation from India, Turkey, China, Italy, Malaysia and Germany. For its latest edition, Buildexpo Africa has seen a 25 per cent increase in demand for participation from international and local industry players.
Over the years, we have grown to cater to the demands not just of the Kenyan market, but of the whole region of East Africa. This mega expo is the ideal forum for international players to showcase their products and services to the huge market in Africa.
We receive visitors from across East Africa, and trade visitors are invited directly and in collaboration with regional trade bodies in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique and Congo. Kenya is certainly one of the biggest markets in Africa, but Buildexpo also lays strong emphasis on attracting traders and importers from neighbouring countries.
According to the World Bank, infrastructure is the key to Africa’s economic turnaround and will play an even greater role in the continent’s continued development. Kenya, in particular, is making giant strides in infrastructure and urbanization, with demarcated economic zones, commercial and residential buildings, and resorts for tourists. The country’s infrastructure and construction industry value is expected to double between 2016 and 2020. There has already been a spike in the demand for building material and machinery.
Come, be a part of progress in Africa!
联系人:北京领汇-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 机:400-8178181转6627
Q Q:2851182508
综 合 建 材 类
时 间 展 会 名 称 地 点
1.17-20 德国汉诺威国际地铺展 汉诺威
1.19-21 美国拉斯维加斯国际建材展(IBS) 拉斯维加斯
3.6-8 德国科隆五金园林工具展 科隆
3.3-6 日本国际建筑建材展 东京
3.7-10 沙特(吉达)五大行业建筑建材展 吉达
4.5-8 俄罗斯莫斯科国际建筑建材展会(MOSBUILD) 莫斯科
4.12-16 巴西国际建筑建材展 圣保罗
5.2-6 土耳其建筑建材展 伊斯坦布尔
5.4-6 澳大利亚国际建材展 悉尼会议展览中心
4.26-5.1 泰国国际建材展 曼谷
5.5-7 美国拉斯维加斯五金工具展 拉斯维加斯
5.3-7 阿尔及利亚建筑建材展 阿尔及尔
5.9-5.12 卡塔尔国际建材展 多哈
5.19-22 利比亚国际建材及工程机械展览会 的黎波里
5.19-24 哥伦比亚(波哥大)国际建材展 波哥大
5.25-29 印尼国际建筑建材展 雅加达
6.4-6 肯尼亚建筑建材展Buildexpo Kenya 内罗毕
8.17-20 南非国际建材展(二年一届,2016年) 约翰内斯堡
9.1-5 越南国际建筑建材展 胡志明
10.15-19 墨西哥国际建材、卫浴、五金展 墨西哥
10.16-19 意大利博洛尼亚国际建筑博览会 博洛尼亚
10.16-19 意大利博洛尼亚国际工业门展览会 博洛尼亚
10.23-26 安哥拉国际建材及机械展 罗安达
11.10-14 尼日利亚国际贸易展 拉各斯
11.23-26 中东五大行业建筑建材展 BIG-5 迪拜世贸中心
11.26-30 摩洛哥国际建材展 卡萨布兰卡
12.4-6 缅甸国际建材展 仰光TATMADAW会展中心