OHU - 生物洗涤柜
OHU (Odour Handling Unit) - Biological Scrubber
OHU – “生物洗涤柜” 工作原理:
OHU – “生物洗涤柜” 是一种高效、低能耗等性能的中央除尘及除臭设备,该设备采用增湿、喷淋、干雾纳米技术。在特定的空间内,将白乐洁产品经喷雾超细纳米雾粒扩散中和、分解臭味分子及有害分子。白乐洁产品具含有生化活性、物理活性、共轭双键等活性基因,药剂在空间扩散半径内可达至1~5μm纳米,不仅能有效地吸咐中和空气中的异味分子,同时也能使被吸附的异味分子产生结构上发生变化已达中和作用,削弱了异味分子中的化合键,使得异味分子的不稳定性增加,容易与异味分子接触发生分解、再聚合和取代等物理生化性反应,从而达到彻底除味、除臭,更发挥成有效的空气净化作用。
The OHU Working Principle
OHU (Odour Handling Unit ) is an Eco friendly Biological Scrubber. It is a high efficiency, low energy consumption “Deodorizing & Dust Control Device”. The equipment adopts the Nano-technology to wet washing and clean the Air, which is able to Neutralizing Odour in second. Within a confined space, “OHU” with powerful “Biologic –SRC” formula will contact Odour related particles and destabilizing its chemical molecules hence neutralizing to a nor-harmful substance like H2O etc.…
Our in-house atomizer is designed with 3 – 5 μm ultra-fine mist , which can contact and defused the harmful molecules in a much wilder spreading and penetration than conventional wet spray. “OHU” Bio-Chemical reaction can handle any kind of Organic and Inorganics subsidence.
The design is in simple modular form, it can be adding “section-by-section” depending of what treatment required. It is a Free Standing design with No Civil Work involved.
生物洗涤柜特点:Features of “OHU - Bio Scrubber”
1. 采用生化洗涤技术吸附利用及中和、分解臭味分子,提高净化效率达95%以上,废气浓度及臭气明显改善,绿色环保,无毒无害,不会造成二次污染。
2. 柜体内每个不同的工艺部件都能独立定制,再根据客户需求组合不同模块进行针对性处理,机身组合成一体型,安装方便,无需基础土建,操作简单,符合现代工业节能环保理念。
3. 本产品耗材用量少,运行成本低,节能环保。
1. “OHU” is a Biological Wet Washing Technology, with the application of “Biologic – SRC” which can contact, destabilizing and finally Neutralizing Harmful Odour, successful rate is 95% plus. This is a Green Technology, Non-toxic nor any Harmful secondly contamination.
2. “OHU” is designed to handle with different processes and its modular form which can be customizing to its requirement. It is a device which can be providing all-in-one unit and easy to install. With option of Wet Spray or Atomizing Super Fine Mist to suit the application. This is able to conform with modern industrial energy conservation and environmental protection concept.
3. Less consumable material, low operations cost and energy conservation and Eco friendly.
垃圾填埋场 城市污水泵站
垃圾中转站 企业污水曝气池
肉类加工厂 市政工业污水处理厂
厨余垃圾处理厂 制革业
食品厂 有机肥料处理系统
其它污水生物处理系统 油漆厂 印刷厂 等
Landfill site Pumping station
Trash Transfer Station
Meat Processing Plant
Municipal and industrial Wastewater treatment Plant
Food Waste-Process Plant Tannery Food Processing Factory Composting Plant
Paint Manufacturing Plant