美孚合成齿轮油SHC XMP系列
Mobilgear SHC XMP220
美孚合成齿轮油SHC XMP系列
产品名称:美孚合成齿轮油SHC XMP系列
产品型号:Mobilgear SHC XMP68 100 150 220 320 680
美孚合成齿轮油SHC XMP系列
美孚齿轮油SHC XMP 系列是高性能全合成工业齿轮润滑油,即使在极端恶劣的情况下也会使机件和油品本身有最佳的使用寿命。运用美孚合成碳氢基础油技术,使得油品具有优越的抗氧化和热稳定性能、很高的粘度指数、极佳的低温流动性以及没有矿物油经常含有的不理想成分。高粘度指数和低牵引系数的共同作用使许多齿轮装置节省大量的能量。采用先进和平衡的添加剂配方,使其不仅对常规的磨损形态如咬接有极佳的保护,而且增强对象微点蚀等与疲劳有关的损坏的防止。另外,与常规损坏齿轮油的化学成分不同,本系列油对齿轮箱的轴承的润滑亦已加强。美孚齿轮油SHC XMP 系列比一般齿轮油的防锈和防腐性能强很多,不会堵塞精细过滤器,抗泡沫性能优越,与密封件、矿物油和非金属材质的相容性好。
· 延长机件寿命(包括齿轮和相关之轴承)
· 延长油品寿命和换油周期,节省人力和成本
· 降低能量消耗和运行温度
· 在极端高或低温下的运行能力强
· 容易从矿物油更换过来
美孚齿轮油SHC XMP 系列可用于各种类型的工业闭式齿轮装置,包括钢质直齿轮、螺旋齿轮和斜齿轮以及钢与铜接触的蜗齿轮。特别适用于可能会产生微点蚀的应用,如风力透平或注塑设备所采用的重负荷,齿面经表面硬化处理的齿轮组或在极端温度、可能会有严重腐蚀、要通过精密滤器以控制清洁度等应用环境。
Product Description
The Mobilgear SHC XMP series oils are high performance, fully synthetic, gear lubricants designed to provide optimum component and lubricant lifetime even under extreme conditions. Mobils’synthesised hydrocarbon basestock technology has been selected for its exceptional oxidation resistance and thermal properties,naturally high viscosity index, excellent low temperature fluidity and freedom from undesirable compounds often found in mineral oil basestocks. The high viscosity index and low traction coefficient of these oils combine to provide significant reduction in power consumption in many gear drives. These oils contain an advanced and carefully balanced additive system which is designed to provide excellent protection against conventional wear modes such as scuffing but also an improved level of protection against fatigue related failure such as micropitting. In addition, compared to conventional gear oil chemistries, improved lubrication of rolling element bearings associated with most gearboxes is provided. Mobilgear SHC XMP oils offer outstanding rust and corrosion protection versus conventional gear oils, no tendency to block fine filters even when wet, excellent resistance to foaming, seal compatibility equivalent to mineral oil products and an excellent compatibility with non ferrous metals even at elevated temperature.
· Extended component lifetimes (both gears and associated bearings)
· Extended lubricant lifetime and drain intervals with consequent reduced manpower and labour costs
· Reduced energy consumption and operating temperature
· Ability to operate under extremes of temperature
· Easy changeover from mineral oils
Mobilgear SHC XMP oils are recommended for all types of enclosed industrial gear drives including steel on steel spur, helical and bevel gears and worm gear applications that may employ steel on bronze metallurgies. They are particularly recommended for any applications which may be subject to micropitting, e.g. heavily loaded gearboxes with surface hardened tooth metallurgies including wind turbines or plastic exturder equipment; applications where extremes of temperature are encountered; applications where corrosion may be severe and applications where control of oil cleanliness through fine filtration is in use.
产品名称 | 比重 | 倾点℃ | 闪火点℃ | 粘度(40℃)厘斯 | 粘度(100℃)厘斯 | 粘度指数 | ISO粘度等级 |
XMP68 | 0.887 | -27 | 225 | 68 | 8.6 | 95 | 68 |
XMP100 | 0.890 | -27 | 225 | 100 | 11.1 | 95 | 100 |
XMP150 | 0.896 | -27 | 230 | 150 | 14.6 | 95 | 150 |
XMP220 | 0.900 | -24 | 230 | 220 | 18.8 | 95 | 220 |
XMP320 | 0.903 | -18 | 240 | 320 | 24.1 | 95 | 320 |
XMP460 | 0.907 | -12 | 240 | 460 | 30.6 | 95 | 460 |
XMP680 | 0.917 | -9 | 245 | 680 | 36.9 | 90 | 680 |