厂家供应BW4T250BW4T150灌装封罐组合机 欢迎致电
本机是在消化吸收国内外(不含汽)易拉罐灌装封罐机(封口机)的基础上博炜独家开发的设备。采用常压灌装原理,当空罐经拨轮进入升降托罐盘后,灌装阀和空罐对中,空罐升起并密封,同时自动打开灌装阀的阀口,当灌装液面堵住阀的回气管口时停止灌装。灌好的罐子经钩子链送到封口机头,盖子经送盖器及压头把盖子送到罐口上,当托罐机构升起时,压头压紧罐口,封口轮先预封再实封,罐子封好后被打盖机构的打头推出,然后进入出罐输送。本机采用PLC、变频器、人机界面控制系统。具有变频调速、有罐自动灌装,无罐不灌装等先进的控制技术。通过设备上的各种传感器,在触摸屏上可以显示出准确的生产速度和生产数量。生产速度可以根据用户要求在触摸屏上自行设定。整机具有主电机及其他电器的各种保护,如过载、过压等。同时在触摸屏上会自动显示出相应的各种故障,方便用户查找故障原因。本机主要电器元件采用国际知名品牌,也可根据客户要求制定品牌。本机具有灌装速度快、灌装后罐内液面至罐口高度一致,整机运行平稳、封口质量好、造型美观大方、使用维修方便等显著特点。The machine is a device developed exclusively by Bowei machinery on the basis of digesting and absorbing domestic and international (still) pop can filling and seaming machine (sealing machines). It adopts the normal pressure filling principle. After it passes through the dialing wheel, the empty can will enter into the lift can supporting disc, and the filling valve is aligned with the empty can, which will rise for sealing. Meanwhile, the valve port of the filling valve is automatically opened. When the filling can will be conveyed to the sealing machine head by the hook chain. The cap will be sent onto the can mouth by the cap rises, the pressing head presses he can mouth, the sealing wheel carries out pre-sealing and then real sealing. After it is sealed, the can is pushed out by the beating head of the cap beating mechanism and then enters into the can discharging procedure.The machine adopts PLC, frequency converter, human machine interface controlling system, having the advanced controlling technologies, such as frequency control; no can no filling and so on. The accurate production rate and quantity will be displayed on touch-screen via the kinds of sensors on the machine. Moreover, the production rate can be set on the touch screen. The main motor and other electrical equipments are all in protection state. Meanwhile all of the malfunctions can be found out easily, because they will be displayed on the touch screen. The main electric and pneumatic components of the machine are famous imported brands, and it also can be disposed according to client’s requirements. The machine has such prominent features as high filling speed, consistent height from the liquid level in the can to the can mouth after filling, stable machine operation, good sealing quality, beautiful and decent appearance, convenient use and maintenance, etc.