专业销售、服务、租赁、维修 回收二手仪器:手机测试仪,综合测试仪,蓝牙测试仪,网络分析仪,频谱分析仪,信号发生器,三角锥屏蔽箱,示波器,时英钟晶体分析仪等.
联系人:孙工 联系电话:15001054629 qq:3164811073
The LitePoint IQ2010 is a single system capable of testing up to six radios and standards. The base model comes ready to test WiFi and Bluetooth®. GPS, FM, NFC, WiMAX can be added anytime via simple software licensing.
Reduce Test Time with Multi-Radio Concurrent Testing
Multi-radio devices are increasingly used in mobile phones and other embedded applications. Traditional test approaches add test time with every connectivity standard added to the device. The IQ2010 enables up to 50% test time reduction with respect to traditional approaches. It does so by covering all key connectivity standards in one box, thus enabling one-insertion testing while testing multiple radios concurrently.
Optimize Capital Expenditures with Technology Software Licensing
The IQ2010 allows you to add as many capabilities as needed, whenever you need them. The IQ2010 can be purchased with WiFi and Bluetooth support only: additional technology standards can be added anytime via software licensing in the field. IQ2010’s licensable software platform allows you to adapt your test facilities to the changing needs of your multi-radio devices, without having to commit to capital equipment expenditures in advance.
Reduce WiFi Test Time with Sequence-Based Testing
The IQ2010 features proprietary, sequence-based test flow capability, which dramatically reduces WiFi test time for supported devices. In transmit multi-data-rate testing, the IQ2010 can sequence or step in concert with the device because the test system can capture signals at different data rates in a single capture. While performing a PER receive test, when packets are transmitted to the device, the IQ2010 uses specialized circuits to detect the acknowledgement signals from the device. These signals provide confirmation of the received data, and PER can be calculated without requiring extensive communication with the device, thus saving test time.
Parameter Ports Specification
InFrequencyRange RF1/RF2 2.15to2.7GHz,3.3to3.8GHz,4.9to6GHz
FM 76to108MHz
InPowerRange RF1/RF2 -148to+30dBm/Hz
FM -40to10dBm
NFC 5to1000mVRMS
OutFrequencyRange RF1/RF2 2.15to2.7GHz,3.3to3.8GHz,4.9to6GHz
GPS 1.57542MHz
FM 76to108MHz
OutPowerRange RF1/RF2 -95to+10dBm(CW)
GPS -145to-60dBm
FM -110to-40dBm
NFC Upto1000mVRMS
ControlInterface USB2.0(typeBconnector)
北京美高蓝电子仪器有限公司专业经营手机综合测试仪 WIFI测试仪 蓝牙测试仪网络分析仪 频谱分析仪信号发生器数字示波器光通信测试仪音频/视频测试仪 万用表 无线电、射频、微波、光通信等类高端进口电子测试仪器的销售、租赁、维修、保养、校准、回收等一条龙服务,让你免除后顾之忧。