广东铁丝网厂家直供尼日利亚标准出口镀锌蛋鸡笼 配件齐全
- 产品特点
- 特点:鸡笼网片光滑,防止鸡只足部受伤感染。隔网和底网加密,能有效防止产蛋鸡疲劳综合症。网片镀锌,提高使用寿命6-7倍。
Cage standard detail:(规格)
Wire diameter(线径):2.30mm
L *W*H(长x 宽x高) :190cmx 210cm x 150cm/set
Cage standard(长*宽*高):53cmx 37 cmx 190cm/cage
Frame standard(架高*宽:120cmx 210cm
One cage pided into 4 cells, feeding quantity :16 pcs养鸡数量:16只
One set include 6 cages, feeding as much 96 chickens .每套有6条笼子,每套最多可以养96只鸡
One set including : 6 cages, 6 water pipes, 6 feeding trough, 24 water nipples,1 frame .6条水槽,6条食槽,24个饮水头,1个框架Water box or water pressure reducer
One set weight:55kg
One set CBM:0.25M3
Use life: more than 10 years Loading quantity by container: 20ft container loading quantity: 20小柜 110 sets with plastic trough; 110套装塑料食槽 130 sets with steel trough; 130套铁皮食槽 40ft HQ container loading quantity: 40高柜 280 sets with plastic trough 280套塑料食槽 350 sets with steel trough 350套铁皮食槽 Features :(特性)
Reasonable space layout, so the chicken in a cage accident mortality rate is 0 , egg breakage rate is 0.大空间,无应激死亡率,低破蛋率
Science cage degree design and effective to reduced the fatigue of chicken in cage自然的倾斜角度设计有效降低鸡在笼子中疲劳