AAgilent/HP 54504A 示波器
仪器型号: 54504A
仪器品牌: Agilent/HP
技术指标: 400M示波器
Agilent/HP 54504A 400M示波器
Description: The HP Agilent 54504A is one of our used Digitizing Oscilloscopes that has a bandwidth to 400 MHz.
*2 channels
*Bandwidth: 400 MHz, repetitive mode
*In real-time mode, 200-MSa/s sample rate provides a single-shot bandwidth of 50Mhz
*Two-channel simultaneous sampling
*Ease of use
*Advanced logic triggering
*Automatic measurements
Other Info:
The HP 54504A is a 400 MHz, 2 channel digitizing oscilloscope designed primarily for repetitive signal applications and is a powerful tool for both manual and automated test applications
The HP Agilent 54504A Digitizing Oscilloscope w/ DC Calibrator output, and Probe Compensation AC Calibration output, 115/230 volts, 350 VA max, 48-66Hz.
The 54504A is a 400Mhz, 2channel , 200 MSa/s digitizing Oscilloscope with 8-bit A/D's designed for both repetive and single-shot signals.
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