1. 人工上、下料,操作人员将工件放置于独立的输送线,工件通过输送线自动进料及出料。操作环境安全,上下料方式快捷方便;
2. 具有故障报警提醒功能,帮助操作者排除故障;
3. 装有毛刷补偿装置,延长毛刷使用寿命,提高毛刷使用率;
4. 加工后的工件的粗糙度较前道工序提高30%。
1活塞去毛刺机 Piston Deburring Machine
Adopt wet style polishing. Brushing the surface of plane, inner hole of the piston, remove the burrs caused after precision finishing, and forming the chamfer.
Technical data技术参数表:
项目Items | 规格Specification |
电源Power supply | 380V(±5%) 50HZ |
压缩空气压力Air pressure | 0.4±5%Mpa |
物料传送方式Feeding way | 手动 自动Manual 、 Automatic |
工件自动上下料形式Loading and uploading | 摆臂机械手 swing arm manipulator |
工件自转转速Revolving speed of work piece | 30rpm |
平面内孔毛刷转速Revolving speed of plane and inner hole brush | 1390rpm |
内孔毛刷形式 Inner hole brush material | 螺旋尼龙毛刷 Spiral nylon brushes |
平面毛刷形式 Plane brush material | 圆形多束体尼龙毛刷 Multiple-bundles round shape nylon brushes |
加工节拍Processing cycle | ≤14s/piece, |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% |
工装轴向跳动Tooling axial runout | <0.1 |
工装基准等高Height difference between stations | <0.3 |
主轴跳动Main axis runout | <0.05 |
产品质量Products quality | 外圆倒棱 Chamfer | R0.05~0.13 |
粗糙度 Roughness | 较前道工序提高15% Improve 15% by previous step | |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and no scratch |
Structure features结构特点:
序号 No. | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 自动上下料机械手 Feeding and discharging manipulator | 机械手成L型,由摆臂回转气缸+机械手升降气缸+工位夹持气缸(2件)组成。 L-shape manipulator is consisted of swing arm rotary cylinder, manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder(2 sets) |
2 | 回转工作台 Rotary working-table | 凸轮分割器,分度数=4\6\8 减速电机驱动,功率:0.2KW Cam indexer, index number =4\6\8 Reducer motor driving, power: 0.2KW |
3 | 夹紧及开启装置 Manipulator fixture | 工件夹紧用两V型块,夹紧动力用弹簧,顶开动力用凸台。在上下料位,顶开夹具,以便抓取。在其他位时,夹具通过弹簧力保持夹紧状态。 Use 2 pieces V shape clip. The clamping is opening when move to the work station, and keep the tight status when moving to other station. |
4 | 夹具自转装置 Tooling rotation device | 链传动。夹具转到预定工作位时,与链条挂在一起被传动,旋出时,脱离链传动。 Chain drive. When the fixture move to the pre-settled position, it will be linked together with chain and be drived to move; when move out, separated from the chain |
5 | 入、出料线 Feeding and discharging line | 均为有动力皮带输送线,入、出料线各约1米长。 Belt conveyor lines are about 1m long; both of them own power driving. |
6 | 平面刷光装置 Plane brushing device
| 工件慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)作正反向各4秒。具备毛刷磨损补偿功能。刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp) for 4 seconds to each direction, while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm). The function of brushing fray compensation. Add the cooling liquid when brushing. |
7 | 内径刷光装置 inner hole Brushing device
| 工件正向慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)旋转,毛刷上下运动两次,刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp), while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm), and move up and down two times. Add the cooling liquid when brushing。 Brush with lateral compensation function. |
8 | 吹干装置 cleaning | 工件清洗吹干装置 Work piece cleaning and dry device |
2轴承套(法兰)去毛刺机 Flange Deburring Machine
专利号:zl 2010 2 0659588
Adopt wet way polishing. Brushing the surface of plane, inner hole and slot of the bearing,remove the burrs caused after precision finishing, to improve the degree of finish.
Technical data技术参数表:
项目Items | 规格Specification |
电源Power supply | 380V(±5%) 50HZ |
压缩空气压力Air pressure | 0.4±5%Mpa |
物料传送方式Feeding way | Manual 、 Automatic |
工件自动上下料Loading and uploading | 摆臂机械手 swing arm manipulator |
工件自转转速Revolving speed of work piece | 30rpm |
内孔平面毛刷转速Revolving speed of plane and inner hole brush | 1390rpm |
内孔毛刷形式 Inner hole brush material | 螺旋尼龙毛刷 Spiral nylon brushes |
平面毛刷形式 Plane brush material | 圆形多束体尼龙毛刷 Multiple-bundles round shape nylon brushes |
加工时间Processing cycle | ≤14s/piece |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% |
工装轴向跳动Tooling axial runout | <0.1 |
工装基准等高Height difference between stations | <0.3 |
主轴跳动Main axis runout | <0.05 |
产品质量Products quality | 外圆倒棱 Chamfer | R0.05~0.13 |
粗糙度 Roughness | 较前道工序提高15% Improve 15% by previous step | |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and no scratch |
Structure features结构特点:
序号No. | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 上下料机械手 Feeding and discharging manipulator | L-shape manipulator is consisted of swing arm rotary cylinder, manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder(2 sets) 机械手成L型,由摆臂回转气缸+机械手升降气缸+工位夹持气缸(2件)组成。 |
2 | 回转工作台 rotary working-table | 凸轮分割器,分度数=4\6\8 减速电机驱动,功率:0.2KW Cam indexer, index number =4\6\8 Reducer motor driving, power: 0.2KW |
3 | 工作定位方式 Work piece fixing position | 工件自由放置在工装上,利用凸颈外径及端面定位(不限制上下及旋转)。工装可自由旋转。与工件接触部位采用尼龙制作,以免碰伤。(柄部外径) Put work piece on the tooling freely, make use of the shank and the facet to finding the right position. The tooling can rotate. Use nylon material to meet the work piece to avoid scratch. |
4 | 夹具自转装置 Fixture rotation device | 链传动。夹具转到预定工作位时,与链条挂在一起被传动,旋出时,脱离链传动。 Chain drive. When the fixture move to the pre-settled position, it will be linked together with chain and be droved to move; when move out, separated from the chain. |
5 | 入、出料线 Feeding and discharging lines | 入、出料线均为有动力线,采用塑料平顶链条,可放置工件12个以上(约1米长) Adopt the plastic flat chains,feeding and discharging lines own power driving , can be placed more than 12 work pieces(about 1m long) |
6 | 内孔刷光装置(正向、反向共两套) Inner hole brushing device
| 工件正向慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)正向或反向旋转,毛刷上下运动两次,刷光时加冷却液。 The brush move clockwise and counterclockwise with high speed (1390rmp), while the work piece move clockwise with low speed (30rpm), and move up and down two times. Add the cooling liquid when brushing |
7 | 平面刷光装置 Plane brushing device | 工件慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)作正反向各5.5秒。具备毛刷磨损补偿功能。刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp) for 5.5seconds to each direction, while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm). With the function of brushing fray compensation. Adding the cooling liquid during brushing. |
8 | 工件清洗吹干装置 Work piece cleaning and dry device | 切削液冲洗工件后通气吹净。Blowing dry after cutting fluid cleaning |
3曲轴去毛刺机 Crankshaft Deburring Machine
Dry style and wet style. Remove the burr, polishing the oil hole, thrust surface, eccentric shaft, short and long ends. It is suitable for processing after parkerising treatment.
Structure features结构特点:
序号 Order | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 入料输送线 Feeding line | 采用步伐式随行输送链,工件导向侧板宽度可调,以适应不同长度的曲轴。 Using the stepping conveyor chain, the width of the side guide plate can be adjusted to meet the different length of crankshaft. |
2 | 步伐输送机 Stepping transfer | 采用抬起步伐式自动输送方式,由抬起气缸和前移气缸共同实现。工件导向侧板宽度可调整,以适应不同长度的曲轴。步伐抬起高度需段取,以适应不同直径的曲轴 Using the lift stepping conveyor chain to transfer by the lifting cylinder and forwarding cylinder. The side guide plate can be adjusted to meet the difference length of crankshaft. The lift height needs change to meet different diameter of crankshaft.
3 | 止推面抛光装置 Thrust surface polishing device | 通过气缸快速进给伺服电机补偿,工件由两顶针支撑。 Cylinder fast forwarding to the servo motor to compensate. The work piece holds by the two centre. |
4 | 偏心轴抛光装置 Eccentric shaft polishing device | 工件到位后,主顶针气缸进(定位工作),副顶针气缸进,顶紧工件,主顶针通过电机带动工件正反转,毛刷下降并旋转,同时做前后运动。毛刷与工件间通过低摩擦气缸贴紧工件并保持设定的压力。压力值可通过减压阀来调整。毛刷磨损通过压力来自动补偿。 The main centre forwarding first, and then the sub centre forwarding, to hold the work piece together when it moved to the right position. The work piece revolving drive by the main centre motor, the brush come down and rotate, and move forward and backward. The low polishing cylinders pushes the brush close to the work piece, and remain the settled pressure. The pressure can be adjusted by the reducing valve. The brush fray compensation depending on the pressure. |
5 | 长短轴抛光装置 Long and short ends polishing device
| 工件到位后,主顶针气缸进(定位工作),副顶针气缸进,顶紧工件,主顶针通过电机带动工件正反转,毛刷下降并旋转,同时做前后运动。毛刷与工件间通过低摩擦气缸贴紧工件并保持设定的压力。压力值可通过减压阀来调整。毛刷磨损通过压力来自动补偿。不同长度的曲轴通过更换毛刷及毛刷间的隔套来段取。 The main centre forwarding first, and then the sub centre forwarding, to hold the work piece together when it moved to the right position. The work pieces revolving is driven by the main centre motor, the brush come down and rotates, and move forward and backward. The low polishing cylinders pushes the brush close to the work piece, and remain the settled pressure. The pressure can be adjusted by the reducing valve. The brush fray compensation depending on the pressure. Change the brush or the distance piece of brush to meet the difference length crankshaft.
6 | 导油孔抛光 Guide oil hole polishing | 顶针顶住工件定位,毛刷旋转进给去除毛刺 Centre fixing work piece, the brush rotating forward and then move the burr. |
7 | 工件清洗吹净装置 Clean and blowing off | 工件到位后,主顶针气缸进(定位工作),副顶针气缸进,顶紧工件,主顶针通过电机带动工件正转。 吹净风刀下降吹净。 The main centre forwarding first, and then the sub centre forwarding, to hold the work piece together when it moved to the right position. The work piece revolving drive by the main centre motor. The blowing device down to clean. |
8 | 出料输送线 Discharging line | 采用步伐式随行输送链,工件导向侧板宽度可调,以适应不同长度的曲轴。 Using the stepping conveyor chain, the width of the side guide plate can be adjusted to meet the different length of crankshaft. |
9 | 吸尘机 Suction cleaner | 能力:60立方米/小时 Ability: 60 cube meter / hour |
技术参数表:Technical data:
项目Items | 规格Specification | |
电源Power supply | 380V(±5%) 50HZ | |
压缩空气压力Air pressure | 0.4±5%Mpa | |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% | |
设备精度 (千分表) Precision of equipment (dial gauge) | 主副轴毛刷主轴的径向跳动 Radial direction tolerance of the principal axis | 靠近主轴端位<0.05mm;Close to the main axis end <0.05mm; 距主轴端位30mm处<0.15mm 30mm to the main axis end <0.15mm |
偏心轴毛刷主轴的径向跳动 Radial direction tolerance of the eccentric shaft. | 靠近主轴端位<0.05;Close to the main axis end <0.05mm; 距主轴端位30mm处<0.15 30mm to the main axis end <0.15mm | |
止推面毛刷主轴的径向跳动 Radial direction tolerance of the thrust surface. <0.05 | ||
前主轴顶针的径向跳动 Radial direction tolerance of the principle axis of the centre.<0.1 | ||
后副轴顶针的径向跳动 Radial direction tolerance of the back axis of the centre.<0.1 | ||
产品质量Products quality | 表面粗糙度 Roughness of surface | 目视,光亮无划伤 No burrs with naked eyes |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and scratch | |
注:具体技术参数按订货合同执行。Remarks: Special technical data according to contract. |
4气缸去毛刺机Cylinder Deburring Machine
Adopt wet way polishing, brushing the air intake hole, spring hole, technology hole, sliding-vane slot, up and down plane, and inner hole of the cylinder to remove the burrs caused after precision finishing, to improve the degree of finish.
Structure features结构特点:
序号No. | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 抬起式步伐机(步进机构) Stepping transporter | 由抬起气缸及前进气缸组成。 工件放置在定位板上,由两个定位销定位。 Consists of the lifting cylinder and forwarding cylinder. The work piece put on the fixing plate, with two location pin fixed. |
2 | 吸气孔及槽底孔去毛刺装置 The device of brushing air intake hole and technology hole | 两工序在同一工位上进行。 压紧装置压紧工件,吸气孔毛刷与槽底孔毛刷同时进给。 Two processes on the same station. Clamping device pack the work piece tightly, the brushes of the air intake hole and technology hole inserted at the same time.
3 | 弹簧孔去毛刺装置 The device of brushing spring hole | 压紧装置压紧工件,弹簧孔毛刷进给。 Clamping device pack the work piece tightly, the brushes of the spring hole inserted. |
4 | 上下料机械手 Feeding and discharging manipulator | 机械手成L型,由摆臂回转气缸+机械手升降气缸+工位夹持气缸(2件)组成。 L-shape manipulator is consisted of swing arm rotary cylinder, manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder(2 sets) |
5 | 回转工作台 Rotary working-table | 凸轮分割器,分度数=4\6\8 减速电机驱动,功率:0.2KW Cam indexer, index number =4\6\8 Reducer motor driving, power: 0.2KW |
6 | 夹具自转装置 Fixture rotation device | 链传动。夹具转到预定工作位时,与链条挂在一起被传动,旋出时,脱离链传动。 Chain drive. When the fixture move to the pre-settled position, it will be linked together with chain and be driving to move; when move out, separated from the chain |
7 | 工件翻转装置 Work piece over turning device | 由回转气缸+升降气缸+工件夹持气缸组成。 工件在被翻转前,须找正夹具角度。找正装置的齿轮在气缸推动下与夹具下部的齿轮啮合,减速电机旋转,直至接近开关发讯。气缸二次定位。 只有找准夹具位置,方可将工件放回原定位销中。(工件在翻转前,工装须找位并二次定位,夹持工件,工件上升,翻转180°,下降,放回工装) Consist of rotary cylinder,manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder. Before overturning,finding the position,and fixing again, clamping, lifting, and then overturning 180°, down,putting back the work station. |
8 | 出料线 Discharging line | 采用有滚套链条方式。工件被平放在其上作步进动作。在出料线尾端有满料信号。可放置工件12个左右。 Using the chain approach. Work pieces are lain on it and making the stepping movements. In the end of chain, there is a full line feed signal. Can be placed around 12 work piece. |
9 | 内径去毛刺装置 Inner hole brushing device
| 工件正向慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)正向或反向旋转,毛刷上下运动两次,刷光时加冷却液。刷光时,工件限位压板贴住工件,以防工件被毛刷带出。 毛刷具有横向补偿功能。 The brush move clockwise and counterclockwise with high speed (1390rmp), while the work piece move clockwise with low speed (30rpm), and move up and down two times. Add the cooling liquid when brushing. The work piece is fixed during brushing to prevent out from station. Have the function of brushing fray compensation.
10 | 平面刷光装置(上下平面各一处) Plane brushing device | 工件慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)作正反向各5.5秒。具备毛刷磨损补偿功能。刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp) for 5.5seconds to each direction, while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm). The function of brushing fray compensation. Add the cooling liquid when brushing. |
11 | 工件清洗、吹干装置 Work piece cleaning and dry device | 通气吹净 Blowing dry |
Technical data技术参数表:
项目Items | 规格Specification |
电源Power supply | 380V(±5%) 50HZ |
压缩空气压力Air pressure | 0.4±5%Mpa |
内径R角、滑片槽R角 Chamfer | R0.05~0.13mm |
工件自动上下料形式Loading and uploading | 摆臂机械手 swing arm manipulator |
工件转速Revolving speed of work piece | 30rpm |
平面 内孔毛刷转速Revolving speed of inner hole brush | 1390rpm |
内孔毛刷形式 Inner hole brush material | 螺旋尼龙毛刷 Spiral nylon brushes |
平面毛刷形式 Plane brush material | 圆形多束体尼龙毛刷 Multiple-bundles round shape nylon brushes |
加工时间Processing cycle | ≤14s/piece |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% |
工装轴向跳动Tooling axial runout | <0.1 |
工装基准等高Height difference between stations | <0.3 |
主轴跳动Main axis runout | <0.05 |
产品质量Products quality | 外圆倒棱 Chamfer | R0.05~0.13 |
粗糙度 Roughness | 较前道工序提高15% Improve 15% by previous step | |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and no scratch |
5隔板去毛刺机 Plate Deburring Machine
Adopt wet style polishing. Brushing the surface of plate, inner hole of the piston, remove the burrs caused after precision finishing, and forming the chamfer.
Technical data技术参数表:
项目Items | 规格Specification |
电源Power supply | 380V(±5%) 50HZ |
压缩空气压力Air pressure | 0.4±5%Mpa |
物料传送方式Feeding way : | 手动,自动Manual 、 Automatic |
工件自动上下料Loading and uploading | 摆臂机械手 swing arm manipulator |
工件转速Revolving speed of work piece | 30rpm |
平面毛刷转速Revolving speed of inner hole brush | 1390rpm |
平面毛刷形式 Plane brush material | 圆形多束体尼龙毛刷 Multiple-bundles round shape nylon brushes |
加工时间Processing cycle | ≤14s/piece, |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% |
工装轴向跳动Tooling axial runout | <0.1 |
工装基准等高Height difference between stations | <0.3 |
主轴跳动Main axis runout | <0.05 |
产品质量Products quality | 粗糙度 Roughness | 较前道工序提高15% Improve 15% by previous step |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and no scratch |
Structure features结构特点:
序号No. | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 上下料机械手 Feeding and discharging manipulator | L-shape manipulator is consisted of swing arm rotary cylinder, manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder(2 sets) 机械手成L型,由摆臂回转气缸+机械手升降气缸+工位夹持气缸(2件)组成。 |
2 | 回转工作台 rotary working-table | 凸轮分割器,分度数=4\6\8 减速电机驱动,功率:0.2KW Cam indexer, index number =4\6\8 Reducer motor driving, power: 0.2KW |
3 | 工作定位方式 Work piece fixing position | 工件自由放置在工装上,利用凸颈外径及端面定位(不限制上下及旋转)。工装可自由旋转。与工件接触部位采用尼龙制作,以免碰伤。(柄部外径) Put work piece on the tooling freely, make use of the shank and the facet to finding the right position. The tooling can rotate. Use nylon material to meet the work piece to avoid scratch. |
4 | 夹具自转装置 Fixture rotation device | 链传动。夹具转到预定工作位时,与链条挂在一起被传动,旋出时,脱离链传动。 Chain drive. When the fixture move to the pre-settled position, it will be linked together with chain and be droved to move; when move out, separated from the chain. |
5 | 入、出料线 Feeding and discharging lines | 入、出料线均为有动力线,采用塑料平顶链条,可放置工件12个以上(约1米长) Adopt the plastic flat chains,feeding and discharging lines own power driving , can be placed more than 12 work pieces(about 1m long) |
7 | 平面刷光装置(上下平面各一处) Plane brushing device | 工件慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)作正反向各5.5秒。具备毛刷磨损补偿功能。刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp) for 5.5seconds to each direction, while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm). The function of brushing fray compensation. Add the cooling liquid when brushing. |
8 | 工件清洗吹干装置 Work piece cleaning and dry device | 切削液冲洗工件后通气吹净。Blowing dry after cutting fluid cleaning |
Adopt wet style polishing. Polishing the surface of plate, cylindrical, inner hole and four small holes of the rotor of automobile, to improve the smooth and form the chamfer..
Technical data技术参数表:
项目Items | 规格Specification |
电源Power supply: 380V(±5%) 50HZ | 压缩空气压力Air pressure :0.4±5%Mpa |
物料传送方式Feeding way : | 手动,自动Manual 、 Automatic |
工件上下料Loading and uploading | 摆臂机械手 swing arm manipulator |
工件转速Revolving speed of work piece | 30rpm |
平面 内孔毛刷转速Revolving speed of inner hole brush | 1390rpm |
内孔毛刷形式 Inner hole brush material | 螺旋尼龙毛刷 Spiral nylon brushes |
平面毛刷形式 Plane brush material | 圆形多束体尼龙毛刷 Multiple-bundles round shape nylon brushes |
加工时间Processing cycle | ≤14s/piece, |
加工合格率Pass rate | >99.8% |
工装轴向跳动Tooling axial runout | <0.1 |
工装基准等高Height difference between stations | <0.3 |
主轴跳动Main axis runout | <0.05 |
产品质量Products quality | 外圆倒棱 Chamfer | R0.05~0.20 |
粗糙度 Roughness | 较前道工序提高15% Improve 15% by previous step | |
外观 Appearance | 无毛刺、无夹伤 Without burrs and no scratch |
Structure features结构特点:
序号 No. | 项目 Items | 结构形式 Structure |
1 | 上下料机械手 Feeding and discharging manipulator | 机械手成L型,由摆臂回转气缸+机械手升降气缸+工位夹持气缸(2件)组成。 L-shape manipulator is consisted of swing arm rotary cylinder, manipulator lifting cylinder and clamping cylinder(2 sets) |
2 | 回转工作台 Rotary working-table | 凸轮分割器,分度数=4\6\8 减速电机驱动,功率:0.2KW Cam indexer, index number =4\6\8 Reducer motor driving, power: 0.2KW |
3 | 夹紧及开启装置 Manipulator fixture | 工件夹紧用两V型块,夹紧动力用弹簧,顶开动力用凸台。在上下料位,顶开夹具,以便抓取。在其他位时,夹具通过弹簧力保持夹紧状态。 Use 2 pieces V shape clip. The clamping is opening when move to the work station, and keep the tight status when moving to other station. |
4 | 夹具自转装置 Tooling rotation device | 链传动。夹具转到预定工作位时,与链条挂在一起被传动,旋出时,脱离链传动。 Chain drive. When the fixture move to the pre-settled position, it will be linked together with chain and be drived to move; when move out, separated from the chain |
5 | 入、出料线 Feeding and discharging line | 均为有动力皮带输送线,入、出料线各约1米长。 Belt conveyor lines are about 1m long; both of them own power driving. |
6 | 平面刷光装置 Plane brushing device
| 工件慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)作正反向各4秒。具备毛刷磨损补偿功能。刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp) for 4 seconds to each direction, while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm). The function of brushing fray compensation. Add the cooling liquid when brushing. |
7 | 内径刷光装置 inner hole Brushing device
| 工件正向慢速(30rpm)旋转,同时毛刷高速(1390rpm)旋转,毛刷上下运动两次,刷光时加冷却液。 The brush clockwise and counterclockwise rotation with high speed (1390rmp), while the work piece clockwise rotation with low speed (30rpm), and move up and down two times. Add the cooling liquid when brushing |
8 | 吹干装置 cleaning | 工件清洗吹干装置 Work piece cleaning and dry device |
项目 | 规格 |
电源 | AC380V 50Hz |
功率 | 6KW |
空气压力 | 0.4±5%MPa |
上下料方式 | 人工操作(可使用机械手自动连线) |
主轴转速 | 0-1720rpm(可调) |
加工周期 | 加工节拍≤14s/件,单班(八小时)产量≥1950件 |
加工方式 | 四工位/六工位/八工位 |
加工合格率 | >99.8% |
外形尺寸 | 3000*1900*2300(mm)(可根据客户需求而定) |
重量 | 2.5t |
注:具体技术参数按订货合同执行。 |