Santos 山度士 #50C 商用蔬果榨汁机 自动排渣 大口径榨汁机
性能特点 Features:
商用型马达,耐用,静音型; Motor : asynchronous Single phase, heavy duty and quiet;
特别适用于不间断连续工作的场合; .Particularly adapted for continuous production; .............. 机器转速为3000转/分钟,出汁率高; Excellent yield, high speed 3000rpm of the motor;
多重安全保护:过热保护、顶盖打开自动停机; Thermal protector,Motor braking when opening;
出汁口下,可放高度不超过200mm的杯子或汁壶; .All type of glasses and pitchers : Height of the spout : 200 mm (8");
宽大的进料口,直径79.5mm,蔬果不用切断,即可整个放入; .Wide circular feeding hole (diameter 79 mm ). ;
内置不锈钢过滤网篮,孔径为0.5mm,网篮可方便取出; .Standard basket is provided with 0,5 mm diameter holes;
高产出量:每小时出汁约100升; .Maximum output :- approximately 100 liters/hour;
所有的蔬果,均适用:生姜、胡萝卜、番茄、葡萄、黄瓜、芹菜、菠萝等; Accepted:ginger,carrots,tomatoes.grapes,cucumbers,celerys,pineapple..; | | | | | | | | | |
适用场所Appliction |
| 适用场所:宾馆、酒吧、快餐店、果汁吧、医院、机构单位等场合; |
| ..Available for hotels, bars, restaurants, cafeterias, cocktail bars, institutions, hospitals, juice bars, ice cream shops; |