The introduction of HJKM-PP opening fiber machine
开棉机,又名开松机。本公司在引进韩国技术基础上,借鉴台湾以及同类产品优点,自主研制新一代HJKM-PP型开棉机。目前是国内外市场最先进、体积最小,外观最大方、功效最强的产品,比同类产品每小时多开松15%-20% 。
产量(kg/h) 300-400
机器重量(kg) 1000
电动机功率(kW) 5.5
外型尺寸(mm) 1500*1300*1050
电源电压 : 交流380V
The opening fiber machine is also called as the loosening fiber machine. Our company develops the new HJKM-PP opening fiber machine based on introduction of the Korean technology and utilization of advantages of Taiwan and similar products. This machine is the most advanced, smallest and the prettiest one in the domestic market at present with the strongest performances, available to open 15%-20% per hour more cottons than similar products.
The machine adopts the fully closed model to form a beautiful appearance, and also ensure safety and stability of operations, and facilitate hoisting and installation. It opens PP fiber and cotton with the pull force caused by converse run of roller card clothing, which is also suitable for the opening of scrap material of carpet.