供应中北创新 C1NB-50A TRANS 原装正品 EMI滤波器 抗电磁干扰
产品型号/Model: C1NB-50A
◆ 螺栓式结构易于连接,性能优越。
◆ 适用于三相三线制供电场合,对三相平衡和不平衡负载均有效。
◆ 电流容量大。
◆ 电感采用新型软磁材料。
·Compact unit, excellent performance.
·Suited for three phase, three line power supply environments and effective for both balance and unbalance three phase loads.
·Large current.
·New type soft ferrites used in inductors.
◆ 额定电压/Rated Voltage: 440VAC
◆ 工作频率/Line Frequency: 50~400Hz
◆ 测试电压/Test Voltage:
线―线/Line-Line: 1700VDC/3sec;线―地/Line-Ground: 1800VAC/3sec
◆ 温升/Temperature Rise: <30℃
◆ 温度范围/Temperature Range: -25℃~+85℃
电路原理图/Electrical Schematics:
外形尺寸/Dimensions of Housings:
插入损耗/Insertion Loss: