The translation machinery of EBEST is specially provides the most cost-effective devices with the most intelligence translation to solve the problems of communication with foreigners. It is based on the depth cooperation with the professional translation team of South Korean and on the stable and mature hardware that can they designed such a machinery
who can interpret 16 different language and realize the mutual translation of any two language of them. Here are the 16 language:Korean , English (American English, British English), Chinese,Japanese,French,Spanish,Vietnamese,Portuguese ,Italian ,Arabic ,Dutch, Turkish, Russian ,German ,Indonesian and Malay.
The translation machinery was equipped with precise speech recognition for the users to avoid the keyboard input and handwritten trouble. With only your mother tongue can you speak any other language that you need by our machine. No matter where are you come from,no matter daily communication or negotiations, EBEST is always your best choice!
Ultra high translation accuracy will help you avoiding embarrassed when you express. We think what you think, and then,just speak what you want!
South Korean independent server, fast response, the domestic fake than!