外贸保健茶排石茶中药袋泡花草茶加工厂家为随州万松堂,若咨询相关信息请联系季经理:13886865626 或QQ2880325787,微信:ajianlin。咨询保健茶、袋泡茶、功能茶、花草茶OEM出口代加工请联系0722-3241743外贸保健茶排石茶中药袋泡花草茶加工厂家万松堂健康集团公司按照GMP净化标准生产运作,通过ISO9001国际质量认证、出口食品生产备案等安全认证,并正筹建ISO22000体系。外贸保健茶排石茶加工厂家出品的新两款保健食品:万松堂牌辅助降血脂茶、万松堂牌力悟茶;主导产品有“康汇年华”、“ 万松堂”系列茶产品,出口几大系列产品:减肥茶、排石茶、美容茶、补肾茶、柠檬姜茶、银杏杜仲茶,降糖茶、降压茶、降脂茶等,均系依据传统中医理论采用湖北神农架药食同源的天然植物结合特殊工艺精制而成,产品正值当今“健康、质朴、回归自然”的生活和时尚,深受市场欢迎和广大消费者的喜爱。外贸保健茶加工厂家公司松堂健康集团公司可提供来料定做,来样定做,包工包料一条龙定制产品,并代理报关,商检、原产地证明,大使馆认证等等证明材料,是国内专业的代用茶生产和品牌运营商,出口每年攀越新高,更让全世界人民感受到来自东方的养生智慧。The kidneys are a cool, watery organ that need to be
cleansed on occassion especially if you suffer from stomach or urinary tract
ailments. They are the bodies primary filter and toxins can build up which can
cause disease and illness.
When the
kidneys are cleansed, they function at their optimum potential and work with
your body and immune system to fight illness. It is also good the cleanse your
kidneys if you suffer from sluggish bowels or digestive disorders, toxins can
accumulate in the intestines which do not allow for proper disgestion to occur.
By performing
a Kidney Cleaning
Tea, you will help to flush these toxins through the
system and eliminate them naturally.
[Product Name]:Kidney Cleaning Tea
Ingredients]: Chicken’s Gizzard-membrane,Field Thistle,Dandelion,Kudzu
① Prevent
kidney stones, energize natural vitality
② Help cleanse your kidneys if you suffer from sluggish bowels or digestive