外贸痛风降酸茶加工厂家万松堂健康集团公司是一家集科研、生产、经营于一体的现代化高科技企业,公司始创于90年代末,是一家专门研发、生产与经营养生代用茶、袋泡茶、传统茶叶、生物制品的现代化企业。公司可提供代理报关,商检、原产地证明,大使馆认证等等证明材料。公司按照GMP净化标准生产运作,通过ISO9001国际质量认证、出口食品生产备案等安全认证,并正筹建ISO22000体系。外贸痛风降酸茶加工厂家万松堂健康集团公司主导产品有“康汇年华”、“ 万松堂”系列茶产品:青钱柳茶、灵菊三七茶、银杏黄精茶、荷叶纤纤茶、苦荞茶、全松茶、“陪酒师”牌玖玖葛茶等,系依据传统中医理论采用湖北神农架药食同源的天然植物结合特殊工艺精制而成,产品正值当今“健康、质朴、回归自然”的生活和时尚,深受市场欢迎和广大消费者的喜爱。
Based on traditional Chinese Medicine theory, this
product chooses Shennongjia natural plants, extracts kinds of alkaline acid discharge elements from the original ecological grinding process, matched with Se-enriched Tea as the carrier to achieve the combination of nourishing and
comprehensive conditioning. This product with more scientific formula,
non-toxic side effects, non-western drug ingredients, is the best tea therapy
item for gout sufferers.
Natural: Shennongjia pure
natural herbs
Scientific: mining and
organizing on the basis of folk prescriptions, condense essence with advanced
Safety: natural materials without any additives, research prove it’s reliable and safe, no toxic side-effects.
Unique: exclusive formula, technique, taste accomplish its unique effect.
Convenient: organic combination of tea with Chinese medicine, traditional culture and modern
technology, effectiveness and convenience
[Product Name]:Blood Uric Acid Balance Tea
Ingredients]:Kudzu, Se-enriched Tea,Flora Tea
[Healthcare Function]:
① Soften blood
vessels, promote blood circulation of heart and brain
② Balance
blood uric acid, relieve pains for gout sufferers
③ Strengthen
the kidney, tonify the spleen, nourish the lung and enrich the essence