浇铸冷却流水线提供砂型的平稳输送,浇铸平台,冷却空间以及套箱压铁的取放交换。是整条流水线中不可 或缺的重要部分。浇铸冷却流水线的形式多样,可以根据铸造的具体情况灵活掌握。 Casting and cooling lines provide the smooth delivery of sand mould, casting platform, space of cooling and exchange of box and mould weight. It is an indispensable part in the whole production line. Casting and cooling line in the form of persity, and can changed according to the actual circumstances of the casting. 开式线,这是一种自动化程度很高的形式,集中了砂型运输、浇铸、套箱压铁交换机构、冷却线路等。投资巨大,维护复杂,但是自动化程度最高。
Open line, this is a form of a high degree of automation, focused on sand transportation, casting, box and pressure iron exchange mechanism, cooling line, etc. Investment is huge, maintenance complex, but the degree of automation is highest. 这是一种较为复杂的流水线形式,优点:减少人工,维护简单。 This is a kind of complex assembly line. The advantages are reduce the manpower and simple maintenance. |