CAF series CAF-431-0040 40A 三相输入滤波器
CAF-431-0040 40A 三相输入滤波器
三相交流输入输出滤波器 CAF series: | CAF-431-0040 40A适配16-18KW变频器 AC 3-Phase 3-Line |
用途: | 专为消除变频器长驱动电缆导致的过冲电压而设计的电机保护器,安装在变频器的输出端能够延长电机寿命。安装简便,改善电机性能,延长电机寿命效果明显;当电机驱动电缆的长度超过300米范围时保护电机。有落地机柜式和机柜内嵌式两种结构形式,满足不同场合的应用要求;滤除变频器输出PWM波中的载波成分,将PWM波形转换为准正弦波。基本电路是阻尼低通滤波器,不仅能消除载波成分,还能补偿电机的无功功率。 |
产品售后服务(Product Warranty):7天无条件退款,1年保修!苏州度飞电气有限公司 |
Product Warranty:We offered an unconditional 7-day money-back guarantee on every purchase. One Year Warranty! |
产品特点(Product features): Filters are used to suppress conducted interference in AC networks. Glitches or interference to be attenuated, regardless of their origin. To improve the filter performance they are constructed in multiple stages, also have the filter over a wide frequency range, a high insertion loss. |
苏州度飞电气有限公司 参加2011年 广州SIAF国际自动化展会图片(Exhibition picture) |
产品线路示意图 |
产品尺寸图(Product size chart) |
规格(Type Specification) |
输入型号 Input Filter | 输出型号 Output Filter | 变频器功率 (KW) | 额定电流 (A) | 漏电流250VAC mA | 产品尺寸 L*W*H | 安装尺寸 L1*L2 | CAF-431-0040 | CAF-432-0040 | 16~18 | 40 | 2MAX | 202*86*58 | 184*60 |
经营理念(Management Idea):Exist ,only for quality! Has been always imitated but never been surpassed. |
苏州度飞电气有限公司Suzhou Du Fei Electric Co., Ltd.
T:+86-0512- 82191829 / 67666706 F:+86-0512- 67666706-8012 M:18706212656 put the character # into @) Address:江苏省苏州市平江区苏站路688号 215031 688# Suzhan Road, Pingjiang District., Suzhou City, 215031 |