用途:ZM型木材防腐,脱脂、阻燃、染色设备机组是户外园林、景观、别墅以及室内装潢的竹木制品的防腐、防霉、防蛀、防白 蚁、阻燃、染色的专用设备。我厂研制的ZM型设备几乎能满足所有竹、木材料防腐对设备的要求.同时适用于各种防腐剂、阻燃剂及 染料等。性能机组采用真空、加压、加热等一系列工艺操作,并把调制成一定浓度的防腐、阻燃、染色药液经过真空、高压、频压注入木 材细胞内部.从而起到防腐、防霉、防蛀.防白蚁及阻燃、染色等效果。该设备目前已经达到国际同类产品的领先水平。
特点:该设备结构设计紧凑合理,操作简单易学、功能先进、通用性强,木材处理量大,配套设备选用合理.辅助工作时间短、效 率高,药剂循环使用,生产成本低,且不污染环境。高压设备处理的木材不仅能满足国际行业标准而且能进行超标准生产.是未来防腐、 阻燃、染色的主流设备。型号ZM-M型是按美国标准制造.以卡箍转动锁紧,密封性能最好,ZM—z型是按中国标准制造,以门转动锁 紧,密封性能良好。
Use: ZM unit is a special equipment to prevent corrosion, degreasing, inflaming, dyeing, mildewing and eating of termite and other insects in outdoor gardens, landscapes and villas as well as indoor bamboo decoration articles. The products can satisfy corrosion-proof demands for almost all bamboo and wooden items. They are also applicable in agents for corrosion-proof, inflaming retarding and dyeing. The vacuum treatment, pressing and heating in the production process injects related medical liquids into the cells of the wood, making the products efficient in the functions mentioned above. The equipment is now internationally advanced compared similar products worldwide.
Characteristics: This equipment features compact structure, easy operation, advanced functions, wide application, high handling volume of wood, reasonable supporting devices, short-period of auxiliary work, high efficiency, recyclable use of medical liquid, low production cost and environmental protection. The standard of the wood treated by this equipment is higher than internal standard, making the equipment a kind of mainstream product in the future to prevent corrosion, inflaming and dyeing. ZM-M products are the best in terms of sealing property because they are produced as per American standard and are locked by clamp-turning. ZM-z products are also good in terms of sealing property because they are produced as per Chinese standard and are locked by door-turning.
联系手机 18939612222 电话 0394-6979999 网址 www.tkhrgl.cn