产品概述: 400高效重质除渣器是一种利用离心原理去除浆料中杂质的正向除渣器。云峰400可用在各种浆料净化系统中除去浆料中的砂石、铁屑、尘埃及较大的油墨粒子等重杂质。400重质除渣器可根据浆料的不同与轻质除渣器相结合,以达到理想的净化效果。 除渣器的特点 A.分体式结构。整个除渣器可分为3-4节,便于拆装和更换。 B.不同的排渣方式。400重质除渣器可根据用户不同的需求选择不同的排渣方式:封闭排渣和开放式排渣
C. 陶瓷耐磨除渣嘴:所有离心除渣器的颈口部位是切向速度最大和磨损最集中处,所以锥体下部采用陶瓷耐磨嘴,这样既确保了稳定的排渣率又延长了使用寿命。
主要技术参数 单只通过量:380-450L/min 进浆压力: O.2-0.4MPa 压力降. O.14-0.175MPa 进浆浓度:0.6-1.0% 单段体积排渣率:15-30%(相对进浆流量)
product description: 400 highly efficient heavy Cleaner is a process for removing impurities in the slurry forward centrifugal cleaner principle. Available removal of heavy impurities in the slurry gravel, iron, dust and larger ink particles and other various slurry purification system. 400 heavy Cleaner can be combined according to the slurry different light Cleaner, to achieve the desired cleaning effect. Cleaner Features A. Split structure. Cleaner whole can be pided into 3-4 sections for easy removal and replacement. B. Slagging different ways. 400 heavy Cleaner can choose according to different needs of different users slagging way: open and closed slagging slagging C. Cleaner ceramic wear mouth: all centrifugal cleaning the neck portion is tangential velocity at the largest and most concentrated wear, so the lower cone ceramic nozzle wear, both to ensure the stability of the slag rate has been extended life.-zibo yunfeng ceramic The main technical parameters Single throughput: 380-450L / min Into the plasma pressure: O.2-0.4MPa Pressure drop. O.14-0.175MPa Into the plasma concentration: 0.6-1.0% Single-stage slagging volume ratio: 15-30% (relative feed slurry flow rate)